Chapter Two

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Seven p.m., Los Angeles, California. Kim checks the time on her mobile phone as it illuminates in the dusk. The sun starts to sets kissing the horizon, looking magnificent over the city. The natural red orange rays reflect through the cirrus clouds above and the city lights starts to glow from below. She stood silently outside 'The Asian Taste' premises, one of her restaurants. Her restaurant specializes in different Asian cuisine. It is well-known for its sumptuous Thai and Chinese dishes. It's their favorite spot which it is located on the roof top of the building. Its serene ambiance and scenic view attracts those who would like to relax and just hang-out at the deck just like themselves.

Carefully, she leans on the railings by the roof deck finishing a phone call from her sister. It is weekend, so it's time for celebration. And besides it's her birthday.

"Hey, birthday boy! What's up?" Zee said patting Kim's shoulder. She stood next to Kim by the stainless steel railings on the roof deck admiring the panoramic view of the city. Indeed, it magnificently shines out during the night.

"Hey," Kim replied turning to face Zee. After a tiring day, she kept her gaze out into the vast ocean of lights below them. "Isn't it beautiful?" she admired.

"Where is Dew?" Kim asked when she noticed Dr. Dew wasn't there with Zee. "Isn't she's supposed to be coming in with you?"

"Yeah, but she got an emergency call. She'll be here a bit late though."

"Alright." She nodded.

"Why are you always in deep thoughts, huh?" Zee sighed and followed the direction of Kim's gaze. "Still thinking about her, aren't you?" she took a sip from her glass of scotch.

"Of course not." Kim defended.

"You still love her, dude." Zee teased. She pointed her eyes then to Kim with her index and middle fingers. "I can see it in your eyes..."

"You're a bluff. You know that," Kim said as she throws a playful soft punch on Zee' arms.

"No, I'm not. Just telling the truth, you ass."

"Really," Kim smirked. "You're one hell of a crazy cousin."

Perhaps her facial expressions and same sad eyes gave it all away. But the bitter truth is it always haunts her back from the past. Somehow, somewhere from the other side of the world someone is also thinking of her. But it was just a wishful thinking. It's been years. Maybe, things have changed.

"Am I now?"

"You do and say some crazy stuff."

"Like what?" Zee challenged.

"Oh, you forgot? Damn! Are you that old?" Kim taunted. Zee just laughs remembering their bet and Kim was up for the challenge. "You let me kissed some random girl at a bar when we're younger. I'm not that totally drank that time. And then, I got slapped twice because of you. And you just laugh your ass out." Kim positioned in her stance ready to throw another punch on Zee.

"Okay, I remember. But will you just stop punching my arm?"

"You do now, grandma?" Kim throws another soft punch on her arm.

"Yes, she was a bitch. She didn't know that she just kissed the most handsome birthday boy ever. You were up for the challenge, weren't you?" Zee grins. They didn't even notice Shone came in holding two bottles of beer.

"What's up with you two?" He asked. "Here," handing Kim one of the bottles. Immediately, both of them stopped from their friendly bantering and turned to face Shone. "Happy birthday,"

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