Chapter Twelve

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It is weekend and it only means that their office is usually closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Since Aom came into her life, Kim spent her weekends at the beach house to relax and unwind; to literally detoxify herself from the whole week's toxic workloads and stresses. One way or the other, Kim utilized her time to contemplate and to get away for a while from her chaotic city life. It's been a week since they came back from their client meeting in New York. And disappointingly, it's been ten days that Aom hadn't spoken or answered any of her calls and messages after the phone call incident with Alex. It added mostly to all her stresses at her work and managing her restaurants.

Inasmuch as Kim wanted to stay in the comfort of her bed and sleep the whole day, she woke up badly on a constant honking of car by her driveway. Then seconds after, her doorbell rang continuously. Reluctantly, she got up from her bed to answer her front door grumpily. She rubbed her eyes from sleep as she peeked through the small fixed glass windows mounted by the door frame before opening her door for Zee and Dew.

"'Morning, tiger," Zee says. "It's about time. We brought you breakfast." She walked passed Kim through the front door and straight to the kitchen. She places two paper bags and cups of hot coffees over the table.

Kim blinks twice following her gaze where Zee stands by the kitchen island which she assumes were bought from a well-known fast-food chain.

"Thanks, but the last time I checked, my coffeemaker works perfectly fine." Kim said sarcastically rolling her eyes at Zee. "Why are you so early banging my whole front door down? You almost broke it into pieces, douche."

"It's already ten in the morning, dude. All the birds and the bees have all gone to work," Zee yelled from the kitchen.

"It's weekend for crying out loud. What's wrong with you people if I wanted to just lie in my bed and sleep the whole day?"

"It'll be just a waste of time if you sulk here all day. It'll not help you solve your problems, Kim." Zee said.

"And what can you do to help me if you're here?" Kim said sourly. She turned back at her.

Unexpectedly, Dew hands Kim two more bags of groceries while she stands by the door.

"Good morning, Kim," Dew smiles.

Kim gazed at Dew, eyes wide, and then shakes her head. 'Oh, shoot!'

"'Morning, Doc Dew." Kim breaths as she closes the front door following Dr. Dew to the kitchen. Zee's been sitting comfortably by the breakfast nook scrolling over her phone munching an apple. As soon as Zee turned to look at Kim who's still groggy from her sleep. Her eyes widen and suddenly jumped from her chair when she noticed Kim's eyes were a little puffy and red.

"Whoa! What happened to your eyes? Have you been crying?"

"No," Kim answered defensively turning away from Zee and putting the bags over the table.

"Zee!" Dew yelled in a split second, glaring at her. If looks could kill, Zee would have been cold dead lying on the floor by now.

"What?" she asked innocently. "I just asked,"

"Just let her be,"

"Is it now a crime to ask Kim what happened to her murdered bloodshot eyes?" Zee complains. "Oh come on, honey, give it a break."

"No. But give Kim a break, will you?"

Dew sauntered her way to the to the kitchen island fixing the items they brought. Both Kim and Zee took a seat by the nook waiting for Dew.

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