Chapter Twenty-Three

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I freeze momentarily; Nurse Jones comes into the room to check up on me with her wide smile. But her mouth pursed and her arms folded in hostility when she saw Aom sleeping on my bed with me. I hold my finger on my lips.

"Please, let her sleep." I whispered, squinting in the morning light. Aom snuggled closer to me.

"This is your bed. Not hers," she hisses sternly.

"It's okay. She'd been through a lot lately." I insist, in defense for my fiancée.

She mumbles in her sleep, "No, don't hurt her. I love her."

Nurse Jones and I freeze. Admittedly, she never talks in her sleep. She might have rare nightmares here and there. But the witnessing me always being near in death experiences have brought a bit of trauma. Her arms tighten around me, squeezing me and I wince.

"Miss Jittaleela—" Nurse Jones glowers.

"Please," I beg.

She shakes her head, turns to her heels leaving the room. I snuggled up against the love of my life again drifting to another slumber.

When I wake up again, Aom is nowhere to be seen. The blazing sun peeks through the glass wall of the room. I never noticed it was almost midday. I have flowers. A bouquet of flowers, I've not seen them earlier today. I wonder who sent me those flowers.

A soft knock distracts me, and Mr. Manaying peeks around the door. He beams, and sees me awake.

"May we come in?"

We? Oh, he's with his wife—Pornphan.

"Of course." I smiled.

They stride into the room and towards my bed. Mrs. Manaying flashed her loving and motherly smile. She surprised me, kissing my forehead.

"May I sit?"

I nod, and she perched on the edge of the bed and takes my hand.

"I can't thank you enough for what you're doing with my daughter. I've never seen her so genuinely happy in a long time. We're happy that she is happy with you." her voice wavers.

Oh...I don't really know what to say. I squeeze her hand but I remain mute.

"How are you doing, Kimhan?" her voice laced with worry over me, gentle brown eyes assessing me intently.

"Sore. But better. Honestly."

"Have they given you meds for the pain?"

"Yes...something like..."

"Good." She interrupts. "Where's Aom, anyway?"

"I don't know. I woke up and she's nowhere to be seen."

"She won't be far away, maybe with Dr. Dew or Zee."

"I know," I pursed my lips.

"She's a little mad about what happened at the wedding." She smirks—as if it's a good thing. Her smile is contagious.

"Yeah, she is."

"And she's all worried about you," her smile vanishes. Deep concern plastered across her face and gazes over me, her eyes soften.

"I don't want you risking your life and diving into harms' way again. These all too much for her." she says gently.

"I know how she feels." I gazed down at my hands. She gently puts her hand atop mine. Her wrinkly hand already shows age. "Everything's gonna be alright." she assures.

I looked up at her, blinking back my tears, overwhelmed. My subconscious nods in agreement. I shake my head and get out of bed. It surprised me that my legs are steadier than yesterday.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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