Chapter Seventeen

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Kimhan winced on the edge of the bed when the warm and dump cloth touched her bruised face. She’s visibly in pain.  I can’t remember her being the type of person to let her anger take the better of her. I don’t consider it as an act of cowardice but she always chooses to walk away from trouble if she could. It was all a spur of the moment act. Kim’s not going with her head first and ask questions later. For some reasons, tonight is an exemption. Her anger got the best of her and ended up with a busted lip and eyebrow. And a few bruises here and there.

The beautiful dinner date with our family ended the worst more than I expected it to be when unlikely moments took place. It just happened when a cantankerous Mike showing up with Alex in her arms was just unexpected. I was surprised to see both of them. I didn’t know they both knew each other. Is it just a coincidence that my obsessed ex—boyfriend is with Kim’s bitchy bitch—I don’t know what are the right words to describe her. But what happened outside the restaurant shocked everyone. All the while, I thought everything ended well between me and Mike. But I guess I was wrong. My manager told me about how he was so devastated after I left him. I had no idea at all. And I’m sorry for him. I, too, was hurt. But I just can’t marry him like everyone expected us to be. I never knew how bad he took it all. And what makes it worst, he knew all about me and Kim getting into relationship right after him. Well, not exactly right after the break-up. But it was a few months after. He was so persistent into getting us back together even he knew it all it was Kim all this time. It was like he’s stalking on us and it’s creeping me out if you ask me.


I saw Kimhan turns around and came face to face with no other than Mike with Alex clinging in his arm. His eyes were full of rage and envy. And so did Kimhan. They were like dogs snarling at one another ready to defend their turf. All this time, I thought they were good friends with each other but I thought wrong. I was there rooted on my feet. I was scared the fact that Mike might have something to do with what happened to Kimhan lately. Apparently, I have given him the benefit of the doubt until we had solid proof that he was involved. The tension inside the room was evident until my dad had to go in between them. If looks could kill, both of them could have been cold dead by then.

“Enough!” dad roared.

“Baby, please…for me,” I whispered silently reaching out my hand to Kim. I have to pull Kimhan back to her seat. She just oblige silently without protest. I smiled at her and gave her a peck on the lips not caring about Alex or Mike, to show her I’m hers and she’s mine only.

“Mike, it’s nice of you to be here,” My dad smiled, giving him a little squeeze on his shoulders. But then again, his resentment can’t be concealed with his fake smiles.

“I was just trying to show this fine lady over here around when I heard familiar voices.” He turns to his side to introduce Alex to my dad. Alex smiled sweetly at my dad before taking his hand for a shake.

“Hi, I’m Alex. Actually, it’s Alessandria Adams.”

“Lovely name,” my dad smiled back. “Oh, this is my wife, Pornphan,” dad begun to introduce everyone to Alex. “And right there is Alice, my younger daughter. And that’s Aom and her fiancée, Kimhan...”

“Hello,” Alex smiled.

I caught Mike slightly cringed when he heard dad called Kimhan my fiancée and that totally taken him aback. Well, it’s true. Am I not?

“…Over there is Air and his husband Kenji and their twins, Kimhan’s sister.”

“You’ve got a lovely family, sir. But I knew Kimhan already back in the states. Isn’t Kimhan?” Alex smirked. But Kimhan just sat there immobile and still in shock. Oh, my god, I could tear that mouth if I could. She irritates me more. She’s getting under my skin already.

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