Chapter Sixteen

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Those glossy hazelnut orbs stared hard at me and her silence is killing me fast to my death. I pursed my lips waiting anxiously for her answer. I just have to shot closed my eyes and pray; please... please... say yes. I'm not sure what to do if she said no... what if she says no? What should I do? What would I feel? No!! This is ridiculous! I mentally slapped myself out.

Actually, I am really scared, frightened to hear her rejection. I stared long enough at those gorgeous orbs. Waiting. Playing like a staring game, the first one to blink is the 'It'. There are millions of thoughts suddenly came crushing into me. The pressure is on. My hands turned sweaty and uncontrollably fidgeting. And my heart constricts every second and it became harder to breathe.

Oh, for Pete's sake! I'm getting nervous as hell. It's pretty damn nerve-breaking moment.

Holy shit. She still remained mute. Contemplating. Perhaps, the moment hasn't sunk in yet. Her eyes staring back at me. Perhaps scanning every inch of my face, internalizing my every word like shredding every truth in it.

But then, in a split second, I caught her brown orbs lit up. A small smile formed from her lips turns wide from ear to ear, overwhelmed with so much joy knowing that we're on the same page.

To her excitement, she rolled straddled on top of me still naked making me sits up on the bed. Her arms curled around my neck and hugged me tight, almost strangling me to death. She smiled jovially. Well, I guess that's a big YES for sure.

"Sweetheart..."I said. I finally found my voice, strained and choking. " could kill me before our 'I do's'..."

"Oh," she gasped, releasing my neck. "...I'm sorry..." her eyes were now glazed controlling her tears.

My hands cupped her beautiful face dashing the tears from her checks - tears of joy. I guess.

"Baby..." she says between her sobs.

She brushed both her hands on my cheeks pulling it closer to her. I inhaled the same air she breathes, lulled in her scent and warmth. Before I knew, she crushed her soft lips into mine. This is more passionate than we have before, slow without urgency and all too sweet.

"Sweetheart..." I croaked between our kiss.

"Hmm," she mumbled not letting go of the kiss.

"You haven't answered me yet,"

"Oh...I'm sorry," She murmured pulling a few inches from my face. She blushed shyly.

Then finally, "YES...I love you with every heartbeat."

I felt the world slowed momentarily. My subconscious is rejoicing, and trumpets sounds joyfully.

She grinned, "I thought you'd never ask." Her small fingers pinched my arm.

"I was just taking my right timing,"

"Like," she raised an eyebrow. " waited after an amazing and mind-blowing sex? Is that it...?"

"Oh,," I squeaked, my hand reaching a small red velvet box sitting silently beside the night lamp.

She eyed me, "what is that? And how long has it been there?" she gasped, her hand on her mouth.

"Oh, just last night." I said simply.

"It's Cartier,"


She gasped in surprise. "Is it what I think it is?" she asked. I opened the small box and took out the sleek white gold diamond ring. It's just a simple engagement ring, not too fancy. I bought this back in LA before my flight back to Bangkok. I should have asked her a long time ago at the airport but everything didn't go as I planned.

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