Chapter Fifteen

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"We'll just be in the kitchen, sweetheart." I said putting a fresh plain white shirt on and PJs. I smiled and leaned in to kiss my girl on the cheek. We just got home from early dinner in one of the posh restaurants here Bangkok. It feels like home here but I need to go back sooner or later.

She put one of my boxers and white baby tee on.

"Hmm," she nods quietly and pulling me into a deep kiss. Her arms curled around my neck. It's not just the casual thing she does, but it's something more passionate, warm and ...different. Every kiss always sends sparks flying. I will never get enough of her kisses. Sometimes, I just can't get hold of myself not to imprison her in my arms, or just smell that addicting scent of vanilla and lavender. She will always find a way to make me feel warm. I leaned in touching forehead with hers and whispered, "I love you." my lips brushed gently against hers.

"I love you more, baby." Her lips trembled. I know she can't either get hold of herself not jumping right into me. I can tell she is. She smiled shyly pulling away slightly from our kiss leaving me a little agape. I badly crave for more. Her cheeks are a bit tinge of crimson.

She turned to the door of our bedroom before I could lose myself and pulling her again to the bed.

How can this woman look so beautiful and still gorgeous even in simple shirt and shorts? That's something I just found out lately. She loves to wear my shirts and boxers which obviously is a little bit bigger on her but still suits her perfectly. She does actually look hot wearing my shirts on.

She look behind her shoulders and grinned, "Laters baby" before walking away joining Dr. Dew in the living room.

I don't know why I love this woman. There are no words to perfectly describe how I feel about her. I really got no idea at all. All I know I want her so bad in my life. There's something or connection between us only our hearts knew. Our inner soul, perhaps. I can't imagine myself without her or life without her. I lost her once and I won't let that happen again. And if that happens I might not survive it through. To my dismay, I just stared hard at the door as it slowly closing and the knob made a clicking sound.

My hands are full, tucked with rolls of floor plans and some paperworks. I walked into the dining area, spreading the set of floor plans on the dining table. And out of the blue, Zee is somehow kind enough today to make coffee for the both of us. The girls have this 'after six' diet routine which led us all having an early dinner which actually I'm not used to. It's still early in the evening but I think, tonight will be a long night of brainstorming for Zee and I. I've been away from office for a few weeks now and I need to go over a lot of things going on. Actually, the girls are hanging out in the living room stuck on the tube having girl-talks and doing what not. It's been almost three weeks since my discharge from the hospital and for the fact that I've been bored staying inside the house all day doing nothing. That's fucking freaking me out. My wounds are almost healed now and everything's doing great. I just can't wait to go back to work. I missed my busy life at work.

"Here," says Zee. She sets a mug of hot coffee on the table. But I was too busy scanning the white prints laid in front of me. My mind was a li'l preoccupied at the moment.

"Thanks," I say without even looking at her. My eyes were busy going over pages of the architectural sheets of the plan.

"Have you checked on this?" I asked her tilting my head looking up in her direction. The invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted inside the room, very inviting. Just the smell of coffee jump-starts my blood back to life. It's just like what they say -'everything's gonna be alright with a cup of coffee.'

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