Chapter 14

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I woke up with sore feet nothing a hot bath can't fix. Currently it is 5;30 in the morning giving me ample of get fresh and return back to the apartment before I have to leave for work. Probably will give Kiara extra time to sleep and will wake her up once I reach home. I am feeling bad but without any option will have to keep her for at least this week at the day care. By the time I am already ready packed and fresh its already 6. I think how to leave a message for the other who are probably sleeping at the moment. Should I leave a note or call them up and tell once they wake up. Deciding to do both I lift a heavily asleep Kiara up and make sure she is comfortable on my shoulders giving a peck on her cheek I lift the bags that i brought initially thinking that I can come to collect the gifts sometime later I leave the room and walk down the stairs only to notice the kitchen lights on. Moving to the kitchen Vincenzo is currently seated on the bar stool wearing only sweat pants and working on his laptop with a cup of coffee. Man he's hot. I guess he sensed me approaching because he turned to look around.

"Good morning. Don't you ever sleep?" how come he's always awake before me?

"Good morning. Early riser. What are you doing up so early?" he says shutting his laptop.

"Oh have to return back to work so starting early."

"Yeah but Kiara?" He questioned I mean why that puzzled look I just can't leave my daughter behind.

"You can head off to work let Kiara sleep in."

"If she wakes up and I am not around she'll create a havoc so its better she's with me." I state as a mater of factly.

"We are all home for this week. You can put her back to bed and once she wakes up I'll personally see that I video call you so that she is and you both are satisfied. Is that ok?" 

"Ummm" I hesitate not knowing what to answer. I mean come on what to do they already have done enough.

"You doubt our capabilities?" Vince asks with raised eyebrows?

"Its not about doubt."

"Then done. Alex take Kiara back to the room and tuck in bed will you please." I turn to see Alex trudging his way into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. He quietly lifts Kiara from my arms into his and turns back to the stairs while I keep looking at his retreating figure.

"And you madam have some breakfast then I can drop you to your place."

"Oh no that's ok. I called a cab and it must be here almost." 

"You shouldn't have called a cab anyways just give me a minute." He said retreating behind the counter and reappearing within a few minutes. In the meanwhile my phone pinged indicating that the cab was already here. He came back with two containers.

"One's for your breakfast the other is lunch" he said indicating which is what. "And before you refuse take it." I take both the tiffin thinking it is pointless debating because anyways I might end up going without a lunchbox today. He then proceeded to walk me till the cab and even opened the back door to get in. 

"Thanks so much Vince. I'll be back in the evening to collect Kiara."

"No problem and have a nice day at work." saying so he shuts the door and waves. As the car leaves the gate that smiling face a genuine smile etched on his face literally gets stuck in my mind. Entering my apartment after a couple of days I throw the bags on the sofa and proceed to have some breakfast packed by Vince. So sweet of him. I just hope Kiara doesn't cause them much trouble.

It was yet another uneventful day at work. Just because we are cops doesn't mean we have thrillers and crimes and chasing everyday. The movies only over exaggerate stuff. Only loads of file work of previous cases and small run ins like youngsters causing a havoc on the streets or a case or two of theft. The top bosses or seniors are more busier than us juniors. We work on minor cases while their jib is the bigger ones. There has been news that they are trying to break into a mafia gang that has been operating in America although no evidence is available. I on the other hand thought that mafia was only history and those families have been destroyed. That is what we have been discussing right now on the lunch table or rather listening to will ranting. He is big on his facts or rather myths about the mafia and mobs. 

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