Chapter 16

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My entire logical brain and cop thinking took a side step there were two strangers in my room dressed in complete black and masks on their face with my baby in their arms. they must have probably drugged her because she was sound asleep otherwise the slightest noise can wake her up. if it was any other situation i would have probably laughed at their clothing. And how did they enter? While the first one started descending the window the second one had a gun pointed at me. I picked up the first item i got which was a vase and aimed it at his head in such a way that it doesn't hit my princess. I managed hitting him with the vase but that didn't seem to affect in any way. 

"Hey leave my daughter." was all I could scream as he was trying to go down the window i managed pulling Kiara from his hands and pushed him off her which caused him to fall down the huge window present in my room instantly dying on the impact.

"oh shit, oh shit I killed someone." I didn't know what to do with my emotions all haywire. i quickly closed the window with Kiara still in my arms before any commotions occur. Kiara's safety first police duties can wait.  Hardly i turned my back to the window i felt and heard the glass shattering and used my body to cover Kiara from the shards of glass. I laid Kiara on the bed and smelt around her nose and mouth for any traces of drugs. and relieved that it was only chloroform. I slowly went to the window to see there was no sign of the other kidnapper but only people around the bleeding corpse now some looking at the direction of my window. Knowing that police will be here soon. i pushed all the glass pieces from the window aside with my slipper clad feet and not taking any chances  I picked Kiara and took her to mrs. Smith apartment to keep her there till the matter is solved. 

Sighing loudly i rang the bell to her door.

"Oh dear. What's all the havoc so late at night. I can hear weird sounds." said Mrs. Smith opening her door. 

"There has been an accident and someone tried kidnapping Kiara."

"Oh my gosh! Is my baby ok?" the concern clearly all over her face. this is the reason I blindly trust and love this lady. 

"Yes, only unconscious. Can you keep her here till I handle the issue?"

"Sure give my baby to me. I'll keep her safe." she said opening her arms. I handed over Kiara to her making sure she locks the door behind her back and made my way downstairs calling Harry on the way informing him the entire situation.

"Hey Bhagwan, (god in Hindi) why is my life so dramatic?" 

This totally feels like I am living a sappy Bollywood drama or Hindi daily soap.

When I reached down there were cops already there whom I recognized from the forensic team and a few work colleagues.

"Hey George" I say to a fellow cop massaging my temples of the forming headache.

"Hey Adhya. You live here?" he says noticing I am not in work clothes or uniform.

"yes, in this very building"

"the person is dead and his outfit looks questionable probably suspicious activity and people are saying he likely fell from that apartment". he says pointing towards my broken window with lights on and updating me just like we do to fellow officers but George was my senior. 

"Yeah that's my apartment. I was a break-in and they tried taking my daughter in defense I pushed him away and this was all a mistake" I explain silently praying I don't get arrested for this because I have a daughter to look after. I don't want her getting into the system because we have come across many cases of children being mistreated there.

"You know the protocol Adhya. You will have to come with me for questioning" he explains dejectedly.

"I understand. Let's go." I say motioning towards the police vehicle. As i walk to it and sit at the back At this point I don't even bother changing out of my pajamas because I am mentally exhausted. The only thing I feel is a heavy headache and some back pain which I ignore with all the thoughts running in my head on what if, what if I was late. what if they managed to take Kiara? And who the hell were they and what did they have against me. I am no important person or billionaire to be able to pay ransom. Amidst all my thoughts and a very loud and chaotic mind.

"Adhya we reached" these were the exact words that snapped me out of my thoughts. 

Its already been four hours of me explaining to them what happened and being locked up in this interrogation room and five hours since this entire situation. The entire situation is wearing me off. Can't explain whether it is the tiredness, lack of sleep. according to my judgement its already morning and Kiara must be awake and panicking since I am not there and neither can I call Mrs. Smith to find out since my phone is taken into custody. I can't move out and my head is literally blasting. I put my head down against the cold metal table

"Adhya I am trying to handle the situation"

I lift my head to see Harry walking in "but till it is not proved that the dead was at your place with a motive or his other partner is not caught we can't do anything." 

"Can you apply for bail?" I asked hopefully

"Its a non-bailable offense plus you are a cop so all the more" I sigh frustrated.

"If you are proven innocent you might be suspended from job for a short span of time probably a month not more and don't worry you'll be paid during this period." Harry explains knowing my situation and trying to make me feel better

"Adhya you really look like crap at this moment" he smiles trying to lighten the mood.

"Thanks I feel like it too. But I believe in the system. can you do me a favor?" 

"Anything dear"

"Can you check on Kiara and also get me some aspirin?" 

"Sure" saying so he  left the interrogation room leaving me to my thoughts. They aren't placing me in a holding cell which i am grateful for.

"Hey dear I got permission to get you some breakfast" says Will entering with a plate of some cheese sandwiches. I eat them quietly.

"Take these tablets and I am sorry for what happened." I put on a fake smile and thank Will gulping the tablets I really needed. He pats my back "Everything will be fine. We are putting in all our efforts" saying so he left. In all this chaotic day I tried to keep my eyes open and brain function but everything suddenly turned black.

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