Chapter 24

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"Princess go to meet Macky some other time. Its nappy time now. No running up" I said stopping Kiara from running further a floor to meet her friend who is two years older to her in the same building.

"But mommy I need to tell Macky bout ma biday" Kiara explains to me as if it is something very trivial that needs immediate attention.

"How about we do it after your nap?" the entire entire conversation with her on our ride home has got her very excited for her fourth birthday this upcoming Saturday. Saying so she runs her way to our apartment door way ahead of me so she reaches before.

"Vinceeeee" these are the screams I hear as soon as I round the corner to our door only to see Vince pocketing his phone and lifting a squealing Kiara and tickling her to get some of those cute giggles.

"Oh hi. You had to wait for quiet sometime?" I say as I open the door to my apartment.

"Not really. Just came by after the meeting to check on you two." I stepped aside so that they could enter in.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead and put Kiara down while walking in. I closed the door as soon as he was in

"Can you give me a minute. I'll tuck Kiara in for her afternoon nap and be back with you."


"No mummy" Kiara started protesting.

"Come on Kiara. No nos, otherwise you'll be up all night and Mumma doesn't want that" I said in a stern voice.

"But mommy Vincee is here" she tried rationalizing

"How about we make a deal. I'll tuck you in bed and when you wake up from your nap and then we can play together." Vince said to which I gave a shocked reaction

"Shall I?" he asked gesturing to take Kiara to nap himself. I nodded in affirmative and settled to do some cleaning around as he took her to the room. I finished clearing the living room collecting all dirty laundry that was left around before we left and putting Kiara's toys in a basket in the corner of the living room when Vince returned back carrying Kiara still clutched to his shirt with a blanket in his other hand. He laid her down on the sofa and put the blanket over her. seeing this I quickly opened up the sofa to a mini bed. A necessity in a one bedroom apartment specially when Kassie decides to crash here. He continued stroking her hair till the room was filled with her soft snores. This entire scene made me smile and cry at the same time.

Gesturing him to the kitchen counter.

"Thank you so much" I said. You just cannot describe how grateful I am for them being in my life. Although things got awkward for me after last night its still very comfortable.

"You had your lunch" although it was quiet late for such a question

He nervously scratched the back of his neck knowing how particular I am about skipping meals. "How could you" saying so I went to fix something quick and filling for him to eat. 

"Kiara is still not comfortable in her room." to which I hummed in response knowing how much the previous incident affected the mind of the three year old.

"Adhya please shift with us. This isn't the safest part of the country side and princess will get all the protection she'll need plus there will be someone taking care of her all the time. Even when you are at work." He tried pointing out all the pros.

"I can't Vince I've already started looking out for an apartment somewhere safer."

"Please Tesoro. For my satisfaction. Plus Hazel too is shifting in a month's time."

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