Chapter 17

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"I don't fucking care how you do it. I want results." It was the angry voice i could hear in my hazy state. At this moment i was feeling all hot and sweaty with something very soft under me. At that moment it clicked, I was in the interrogation room last.

"Although I don't mind what i might get to see, you won't be very happy, so don't get up tesoro" Oh shit how am I in Vince's room. That's when I realized being on his bed stomach down and no clothes. i felt the bed dip causing me to groan both in frustration and embarrassment at this situation.

"You passed out at the police station and those fuckers didn't even know. The doctor cut your top open because you had glass pieces in your back which caused you to pass out and now fever" he answered all my unasked questions. While his voice sounded angry the hand drawing patterns on my bare back was calming.

"Kiara?' my voice comes muffled not wanting to lift my head.

"She's at that neighbor's place of your who refuses to send her with Charlie. and Charlie is still waiting down incase anything." "I'll go get you something to eat till then why don't you call Charlie or mrs. Smith so that we can get Kiara here?" saying so he gets up from the bed and moves out. Only when I confirm he is no more in the room, I try getting up but the pain is unbearable. i try searching for my top to wear but nothing in sight. I mean come on I can't roam like this in a house full of men.

Not finding anything to wear I open the first door I see knowing its not the way out to the room but fortunately its the washroom. Going in I lock myself in the bathroom and try to see the wounds on my back but only wince every time I stretch to see my back. Giving up I call Charlie first with my phone I picked up on my way to the bathroom.


"Hey Adhya, I see you are wake."

"Are you anywhere in vicinity?"

"I am outside your building"

"I'll call Mrs. Smith. Can you please get Kiara to me?"

"On my way to her apartment. I tried before but she refused to send Kiara with me."

"Yeah i'll call her."

Cutting the call with Charlie I call Mrs. Smith which she picks soon

"Adhya where I you?" She sounds worried. 

"Hi Mrs. Smith, sorry I called so late"

"What happened you sound bad"

Its only at that time I realized I really sound groggy.

"Nothing much to worry. Can you please send Kiara with Charlie. He is out to take her.

"That boy with tattoos?"

I mentally laugh at her description.


"He looks dangerous"

"He's harmless"

"there's a problem dear. Kiara is down with high fever"

"Oh God. Can you please send her here with a few change of clothes. I'll manage"


Soon after getting off the call I hear a knock on the door.

"Adhya Tesoro come out and eat something"

"Vince can I get something to wear please."

I need to get Kiara soon. The fear must have caused her a fever. But without anything to cover myself I can't move out.

"Wearing something might cause irritation to the wounds tesoro. Try to understand."

This is a dilemma "Vince please Kiara needs me and I can't come out"

"You have fever tesoro. Charlie will take care of Kiara".

"Please Vince"

"Ok. There's another door from the washroom that leads to my closet. Take any soft t-shirt and wear"

I open the door and enter. This seems like an entire store of suits in most black, blue, grey and any other dark shades. I open drawers after drawers and finally find t shits from which I take one and wear it and come out. only to see Vince sitting on the bed with a tray near him.

"Have this soup so that I can give you your medicines." He opens the bowl of chicken soup and hands it to me which i eat quietly. the faster I am done with this, the faster I can get to Kiara.  

He gives me two tablet "This is for the pain and  fever" simultaneously giving me water to gulp it down. 

"Can I apply an ointment on your cuts?"

"I'll do it"

"lie on your stomach tesoro" his voice was so commanding that I could not say no.

I lay on my back as I feel him literally tearing open his t-shirt. "Don't worry I'll give you another one."

I can feel his applying an ointment which is cold against my burning skin and his touches to top it all send some weird unexplainable sensations. The last thing I felt before falling back to sleep was a kiss on my head.


I can't explain the murderous feeling I have for those who tried to threaten my girls. The first notification I got about the attack led me from Italy back to America threatening everyone on the way. I am sorry for forcing her to sleep by manipulating her pressure points but she needs it now more than ever before leaving the room I leave a soft t-shirt on the bed knowing how hesitant she is I mean her skin is so soft and and body of a temptress but she is something else all together. I walk down to see Charlie enter carrying a sleeping Kiara.

"Vince she's got high fever, I've called doctor." Charlie informs. I take Adhya from his arms to one of the guest rooms.

"Where is Adhya?"

"I forced her sleep. Her fever isn't down yet." That's when I hear Kiara whimpering and the doctor walks in with Alex at the same time. I move from the bed making way for the doctor and go and sit the next side quietly examining as the doctor checks her.

"What's it doc?" Asks an impatient Alex.

"Her fever is quiet high. Can you please increase the A.C. temperature?" to which Alex complies.

"I'll write down some medicines but incase the fever doesn't reduce in a few hours give me a call" saying so the doctor leaves.

"Steph any clue on who the attacker was?" I had to give up the second attacker to the cops to get Adhya back or else he would be tortured for answers.

"According to my sources its a new power hungry gang" he informs because I know the rest mafias might not want to cross me. "get whatever information possible and Charlie please be near Kiara monitoring her fever. I am going to my girl."

Saying so I leave knowing my brothers are smiling at me. They know how whipped I am.

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