Chapter 38

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"Love wake up we are here." Vince called out caressing my face. I didn't know when I fell asleep. The plane had landed in L.A. I stretched my body. Kiara was still asleep and Vince picked her up from the next seat besides me. I had packed a small bag with enough  clothes for 2 days. I picked it up and followed Vince and Steph to the exit with Mama Morelli in tow. Standing on the stairs of the flight at a distance you could see other huge planes. We walked down and there were two black range rovers. Vince took the key from one of the guards and opened the back doors for me and Mama Morelli to get in while Steph took the wheel and he sat on the passenger seat. The ride to the hotel was quiet keeping in mind a sleeping Kiara nestled in my lap. I kept thinking of the past three days from when I disclosed my past to Vince. And I am thankful for not receiving the pity party. Infact his behavior towards me hasn't changed. Neither is he treating me more delicately nor ignoring a broken girl. He just as sweet as he was.


Minutes later the car came to a halt at the entrance of a huge building and all the doors were opened by guards. I adjusted Kiara in my arms to which she whimpered and went back to sleep. Vince was by my side in a matter of minutes.

"Give her to me" He stated

"It's OK. She'll wake up. Can you please give me my bag from the car boot?"

"They'll get it up to the room love. Come let's go" Saying so he lead us to the elevator and swiped his card in the inside. It makes sense to have a room here since they travel very often to L.A. As soon the elevator pinged open, this was a freaking penthouse not a simple hotel room.

"Lay Kiara in that room" he said pointing to the direction of a closed door. I'll get breakfast ready."

"Just give me a minute a minute. I'll prepare the breakfast" I suggested.

"Hush you too mama Morelli is still here" came her voice from behind. I retreated into the said room and put Kiara on the bed surrounding her with pillows so that she doesn't fall. The view from the glass wall was breathtaking. I had gone to close the curtains but remained rooted gazing over the entire cityscape.



I didn't have the heart to wake Kiara up especially when she had a late night with Alex and Adriano watching Disney movies. And she is currently with Mama Morelli back in the penthouse. So currently I was on my way to the Indian immigration office with an Uber. It was a task no doubt to convince Vince to let me go but he finally agreed and headed off to his office. The tall building that had various governmental offices was abuzz. A paid the Uber driver and walked in. It wasn't a confusion to me because I've been here twice before. I took the elevator to my destination.

"Good morning.  How can I help you?" Said the girl at the help desk when I approached her.

"I'm here to extend my work visa. Can you direct me where I need to go." I said

"Ma'am you'll have to fill this and give in necessary documents" she said handing over a paper to me. I had come prepared with all my documents  so that wasn't a problem. "But I'll have to apologize as you papers won't be processed today since many of our staff are on leave today for Ganesh celebrations" she continued. How could I forget that Ganesh was tomorrow  and these people celebrate sarvajanik Ganesh here in L.A. I always heard about it but never got to go.

"OH its not a problem" I said

I filled in the form she gave in my hand and attached copies of all required documents. She then directed me to a counter to submit the same.

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