Chapter 9

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"Hey Adhya you are requested to come to the office today. There has been a murder and many officers are on leave and currently unavailable."

"Its fucking Christmas Eve man Will" My phone is currently on speaker Cupcakes left half-packed due to this shocking news.

"I understand babe but we juniors have no option just following the boss man's orders while he enjoys with his family."

"Couldn't this killer wait for the Christmas break to end plus I have my daughter to take care of her." ok this is irritating Mrs. Smith isn't around. I have no friends out the department and to top it all I dismissed the services of the nanny due to her negligence. "UGH"

"Why don't you get Kiara to the office?"

"Are you serious. And what leave her unattended?"

"Hey relax will figure that out but please come over."

"Ok. Just give me fifteen to twenty minutes max."

I look at the clock that reads 1:30 p.m. which means Kiara has another hour of her napping time. I release a long breath. Why always such choices? I bring my phone back up running through the contacts.

"Hello yeah I would like a cab"


"ten minutes. Yes ok."

Quickly scrambling I go to wear my formal pants and a blouse quickly throwing my hair in a bun applying some kajal. Packing a small bag with a pack of biscuits a change of clothes and run to kitchen to get the cupcakes in the fridge. Just then I receive a call notifying me that the cab was here. I go back to the room and lift a heavily asleep Kiara, her doll and the bag and hurry out locking the door behind me. Settling in the cab which give me roughly 10 minutes drive to my office I pick out my phone and decide to call Vincenzo to say probably a sorry won't able to make it today.

The number isn't responding please leave a message after the beep.

"Hello Vincenzo. This is Adhya here. I am really sorry I won't be able to make it for the Christmas eve dinner. Work emergencies. Thank you and happy Christmas Eve."

Entering the office I lay Kiara on a couch and ask one of the collegians to keep an eye on her and run to the conference room.

"I am sorry I am late. What are the updates?" Will, Derek and another senior Benjamin are present in the room analyzing photographs and reports by the forensic team.

Will gives me a small smile and Benjamin nods. 

"We'll go check on the crime scene first where the forensic team is still collecting evidence." Benjamin says lifting his coat as we walk out.

"Hey Hazel please give me a call when she wakes up" I call back to one of the two colleagues present in the office.

"Sure thing Adya" I smile gratefully and turn my attention back

"Victim's name- Martha Gomes. Age- 53- profession-counsellor" Derek briefs on the way to the crime scene.

The crime scene was her office. Seemed gruesome but nothing new. Files strewn all over a sobbing lady in the corner. Forensic team dusting for fingerprints and taking photographs and one of them examining the body.

"Ok Liz what's the progress?"

"Two bullets on the chest .9mm caliber from point blank range." We listen to all the details she tells like time of death and other important facts which will help us narrow down our suspects.

"Will, Derek go around the neighborhood and fish for any witnesses, camera captures."

"Sure sir." They follow Benjamin's orders and exit the place.

While myself and Benjamin go through the files scattered for her client list. Who visited her last and stuff like that.

"Can you tell me how did you discover the body?"

"I came in the morning to open the office since Martha here had some clients coming in today." the lady sobbing was her assistant for almost 7 years now.

"Any suspects?

"Not any. Martha was such a good lady. always helping people."

I questioned her further and took evidence to return back to the office for further progress on the case which included calling her clients, checking CCTV footages and interrogating a few people.

On entering the office room I see Kiara happily playing with Hazel. I was glad Hazel could handle her as she was a mother herself. She sees me and comes running towards me hugging my legs.

"Mommy mommy when are we going to Charlie's place?"

I kneel down infront of her. "I am so sorry princess. We can't go today. We'll go tomorrow alright."

"This is not fair." she says literally throwing her doll across the room. Her tantrums can get really tough.

"Kiara now if you throw a tantrum mommy won't take you tomorrow too." At my word she stomps her feet to the sofa and sits with a grumpy face that I am so used to seeing.

We proceed to solving the case at hand. It was one of the easiest cases we have solved so far done by a very sloppy criminal. Happened to be one of her client's husband on whom she had collected lots of dirt. During the case I managed to feed a very grumpy Kiara who hadn't slept and sat throwing visible tantrums to make me feel guilty. and trust me it did work. It was already 9 at night when we winded up. 

"Finally happy Christmas eve to us." Will yells. To which I smile. I intercom the watchman to order for me a cab to head back home. 

"Who is it?"


"Yes ok I'll be down soon. Thank you."

"What's it?" finally the silent Derek spoke to me. "You look confused."

"Oh Nothing really. Someone's here to pick me it seems." This seems weird. But as we walk down and me holding Kiara's hand.

"Wow that's a cool Maserati" Will speaks to which i look forward to see a black Maserati in the parking lot. The driver quickly gets down and comes towards me to take the bag from my hand.

"Ms. Adhya Kaur I am Joseph. Mr. Giordano sent me to pick you up."

"What? But I had informed him I won't be coming today?"

"Yes. But he told me to collect you from work and bring you home as soon as you are done."

I shrug "ok" only to hear Will hoot. "That's one lucky girl" sending me a wink as I get in the car. Strapping Kiara to the baby seat. yes there's a baby seat and that's more surprising than anything else. I mean why will they have a baby seat in the car when they have no kids in the house. or rather they have and I have no idea about.

"I hope you are comfortable Ms. Kaur and little Ms. Kaur" Joseph says addressing us from the front.

"Yes. Thank you Joseph. Isn't it too late to be going to their house?"

"Oh I've been given specific orders to drop you to their home."

"Ok" that word didn't come out very sure to which the driver only gave a tight smile "But please can you please drop me home first so I can collect a few things.


The rest of the ride was silent only being filled with carols being played in the car.

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