Chapter 25

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It feels so good to be back to work. The smell of coffee brewing in the corner, the usual hustle of files and people, faint sounds of bullets being fired in the practice room, people chattering. I missed all of this. Settling my bag on my desk, first thing I do is rearrange all the files containing criminal records that need to be updated into the system. Joining my hands infront on a small picture that I have of Waheguru on my desk as a sign to begin the day well. As soon as I see Harry entering into the station I step out of my desk and follow him.

"Good morning Harry"

"Hey Adhya. I've never been happier to see you back. There's a new case a rather very high profile one for which I want you to be on the team. Come to the conference room at 11 for the meeting." Saying so he dismissed me. 

Being very excited as this will be my first high profile case I returned back to the desk and continued with data entry. But me being extremely excited I just couldn't get myself to focus on the work and kept glancing back at the clock every passing minute. I had to literally scold myself to get back to work.

Shutting the screen down exactly at 10:55 I make my way to the conference.

Sir Gerald our super senior was present along with the country mayor and Lieutenant Marco Roderigues which proved how high profile this case really is. I was the only junior present on the team and we all took our seats with me towards the end of the large rectangular table.

"Good morning officers" Sir Gerald said to which good mornings were passed around

"I hope you'll have sensed the gravity of the situation" and we all nodded  

"So we have intel that wanted Don FA from south East Asia in currently in Texas. For what reason still stands unknown. I have all my networks active about his movement across the country and everyone is on high alert."

He switches on the screen present in the room.

"Things we know about him" and he starts listing

"one he is dusky skin two is this very blurry picture we managed to get from the CCTV cameras of the airport during his landing yesterday. While the Indian police force sent us this picture" he said changing the slide. There appears a picture of a man nothing like the stereotypical terrorists or Dons that we have painted in our minds with turbans and long beards and dark eyes. Infact this man could pass of as any lay man, clean shaven, dressed in suits, probably fifty years of age. A few other pictures of more men were shown stating that they were close in work with the don. He goes on to explain more staff.

"How we nab him is where our new officer comes in play" and they all turn to look at me.

The mayor interrupts "This men has a very fine taste in women specially brown beauty. So we lure him to us without causing any commotion. I don't want any of my people hurt"

"When and Where do we nab him?" Harry asks.

"He'll be headed to Inferno today night as per sources so we go there and mix in the crowd. Officer Adhya you manage to draw his attention and lure him out of the club."

"And then officers you know how we go forward. Remember no weapons so each one is on their own. Now entry is difficult in this club as it is exquisite we have till night time to figure out how we get in. And Adhya take another lady cop with you to make it look realistic. This is our one and only chance officers. No mess ups." Saying so the meeting is dismissed. 

Harry grants me permission to leave after lunch and take Kassie along too. By the time I am out it is already lunch time and Will and Kassie are seated at my desk probably waiting for me like always. We walk to the cafeteria where all the other officers too eat.

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