Chapter 46

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It was only me and Vince the office. As I continued admiring the way he moved around the office so flawlessly he shut down his laptop, put the files away picked up the extension and clicked one single number. 

"No disturbances till Stephano is back." He sat down back on his comfortable chair and rotated the chair to face where I was sitting. 

"No more meeting?" I asked since he said no disturbances. 

"Not until I say so"... "Come here tesoro" I got up from the sofa I was sitting and straightened the invisible creases of my top before walking to his desk. His digital photo frame showed a pic of me fast asleep. 

"When did you click this?" He glanced at the frame before catching me by my hips and effortlessly lifted me to sit on his table top infront of him.

"The night you first slept in my arms" he smiled. 

"I'll be missing your birthday" I said sad that I won't be around to celebrate. 

"No love. You will be back before that." He said tracing circles on my thigh. I looked at him in confusion. 

"Stephano's birthday is this week. Mama Morelli is all hyped for his birthday and mine is in like four months." That's when I realised she said big Giordano's and I mixed the months. They both have same dates but different months.

"Are you done packing?" he asked after a long pause.

"Not yet. I am second guessing my choices."

He looked at me puzzled "but you always wanted to be a cop?"

"I was free during my last trimester in the women's shelter home when I saw the entrance test for police academy and was like why not. I wanted to do something in law. Now that I have to go away from Kiara, you. I don't like it. Not the job but going away. Being a mission specialist I always knew this is part and parcel of what my job entitles. Not being a citizen of America my job is nothing like the other cops"

"You tesoro are ..." he didn't continue just stood from his seat in between my legs and captured my lips. The kiss meant things I just couldn't explain. It gave me love, assurance. "I've told you over and over again Kiara has me and you will do great. Just go do what you want. But I don't understand how did you become a cop without proper documents?"

"I cleared the test with first or second rank so the lieutenant approached me. He was also of Indian origin. He took my responsibilities and soon after Kiara was born challenged me to clear the military training. I did it " I said with a shrug "Then connections were pulled and I became a special officer here in Texas."

"Every time I learn something new about you, I fall deeper in love with the person you are."

"How much time till Kiara and Steph are back?" I quizzed

"Give or take 20-25 minutes"

"You've got a wonderful view from your office" I could sit here for hours and see the skyline without getting bored.

"Its even more beautiful now" I turned to see him staring at me. I don't know what possessed me to initiate a kiss but I did it. His hands that touched my skin under the top sent shivers down my spine.

"Even though I'm tempted to take you here on my office desk, I will refrain as I don't want to traumatize the others with the screams that will follow." I looked at him wide eyed.

"You are insane" I blurted

"Only for you Tesoro. And I am looking forward to doing whatever I am thinking tonight before you leave for two months."

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