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"Emma what are we gonna do?!" I whisper yelled

"I don't know you should've thought this through!"she whispers back

"Me?!...we decided to do this as a team so don't put all the pressure on me!" I shake my head

"Emm,y/n we know your in there" I could tell it was Luis because of how his voice changed he only does that voice when he wants revenge and right now I think I'm his target...

"Don't hurt me it was all y/n's idea!" Emma said rating me out as I look at her in disbelief

"Emma how could you we have been through so much!" Right as I said that the bathroom door busted open revealing Jamie and Luis

"Shit I forgot the bathroom door" I Internally smack myself

"Oh now you are gonna get it" Luis said throwing me over his shoulder

"Luis your getting me all wet put me down" I bang on his back but there was no use he was Officially gonna kill me

"Oh look what I found this nice pool" Luis said about to drop me in

"WAIT!!!" I yell

"What?" He came to a sudden stop

"My arm brace, I can't get it wet" I realize that at this moment I've been saved

"HA HA HA HA you can't get me wet ha ha ha ha" I mock but it seems I have been to out of it to realize that Jamie was behind me

The next thing I knew was a bucket full of cold pool water was pored on my head

"Looks like someone had a little accident" Jamie and Luis laugh high-fiving one another

"Wait where's Emma" I asked Jamie pointed to the pool

I look over to see Emma laying on one of our full body floats in the pool with all of her clothing on

"Yeah she said it was all your idea so I Spared her and only through her on the float

"Yeah so now get me off I'm kinda Surrounded by WATER!!!"

"Nah I think you could stay there for a little while" I say walking inside Jamie and Luis following

"Noooo please don't leave me out here" Emma says struggling to balance herself

"You know what they say snitches get stitches" I shrug and continued into the house

"Now if you two ass holes don't mind I'm going to go and get cleaned up"

"Yeah me too I'm just gonna take a shower" Luis said following me up to my bathroom Jamie just nodded

" you want a shower first?" I asked

"Yeah I'll be quick though" he said taking his shirt off making me just Stare at him

"What you didn't expect me to have abs!" He chuckled

" nah I though you would have one of those dad  bods...oh well" I walk out of the bathroom on my phone while I wait

I hear the shower stop and Luis walks out with only a towel around his waist

"Ok you can hop in now"

I get up and grab my clothes so I could change in the bathroom

As I hop out of my shower I see Luis had his Cologne on the so I grabbed it and smelled it and man did it smell good

So once I was done I sprayed a little on me and walked out to greet a Luis laying on my bed

I decide to jump next to him

"Hey y/n?" Luis asked

"Yeah?" I respond

"Are you wearing my Cologne??" He smirked at me "nooooooo" I try not to smile but fail miserably

"It's ok because I used your shampoo" he laughed hugging me from behind

"So that's why your hair is so soft!" We both laughed

Btw the picture at the top is what his Cologne is^^^^ (do what you want with that information😉)

(Yeah I know it's not the best but it'll have to hold off fo now!..HOW TF DID I ALREADY GET TO 10k LIKE DANG I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANKS SOOOO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT AHHHHHH❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰)

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