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*what they look like^*
"No,no,no get your butt back here!" I said going after Luis. "But I don't want Princess bandaids..." he wined. "I don't care you are going to get them if you like them or not" I replied in a demanding voice. He looked me in the eyes with a smirk "make me" he started to run
"Luis get back here you need them" I said running after him. "No I don't need them and you can't make me get them!" This time I smirked "you see Luis I know this house pretty well so you might be surprised..." "you are scaring me y/n" I saw him walk around the island in the middle of my kitchen so I hide behind the corner ready to pop out and stick them on him. I soon saw him walk in front of me so I jump up and hop on his back "got you!" "Ahh!!" He screamed dropping to the floor. I stood up and turned him over and straddled him so he couldn't get up. "Yes I got you!" I said feeling accomplished "ooh I like this position" "gosh darn Luis you always gotta ruin the moment" I rolled my eyes and got off of him . "Now let me put them on you" "put what on him?" Jamie asked walking in with Emma following "NOTHING!!" Luis said turning red "I must not be nothing for y/n to chase you around the house" Emma said wiggling her eyebrows my eyes widen. "Emma come here" I said waving my hand for her to follow me "what's up?" "We should sneak up on Jamie and Luis" I said "and do what?" "Bandaids" I smirk holding up the princess printed bandaids. She smiled and nodded and I told her the plan. we slowly walked out of my room and spotted Jamie and Luis on the couch watching a movie. I took a few bandaids out of the box and handed them to Emma. As we slowly walked in the living room they looked at us "what?" Luis said with confusion written all over his face. I looked at Emma "NOW!" I shouted as we jumped on them "I told you I would get them on you" I smiled "well I guess I surrender" Luis said putting his hands up "ok hold still do you want Ariel or Cinderella?" I said holding the two in my hands "definitely Ariel " he said laughing I put it on the cuts making sure not to put too much pressures on them "am I pretty yet?" Luis said getting impatient "almost one more" I then put one between his lip and nose to make it look like a mustache. "All done" Emma said patting Jamie's chest he turned around and looked at me and I started laughing because she had covered his whole face in the princess bandaids. "What I know I look fancy but no need to be jealous" jame pretended to flip his hair making all of us laugh "how do I look?" Luis asked tapping my shoulder "hmmm like a pretty princess" Jamie started laughing "what are you laughing at you have them everywhere too" Luis said glaring at Jamie but in a playful way. "Well at least I don't have a Cinderella mustache." Jamie fires back making Luis gasp "you take that back!" "Nope I meant it so why would I?" Jamie said smirking "ladies,ladies calm down it's not that big of a deal" I said . "Oh no you did not" Jamie waved his finger while his other hand was on his hip "oh yes she did" Emma joined in. Luis picked me up and threw s over his shoulder "take it back" Luis said swinging me back and forth "never!" I said laughing......


(Thank you all soooooooooooooooooooooo much for over 400 reads I never thought I would get this far but thank you all sm!!!🥰🥰🥳)

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