A promise

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*Y/n POV again*

How could all of that happen in just 2 days I ask myself

"That definitely doesn't sound like me are you sure it was me in the story?!" I asked kinda surprised

"Yes y/n I'm sure, we should really go check up on Jamie and Emma just to make sure they didn't kill each other" he got up and dragged me out with him

"Hey how y'all doin?!?" I yell not realizing that they where both next to each other on the couch

"Oopsie my bad imma go now" i say awkwardly and walk to the kitchen

"Hey by the way you know school starts in like a month right?" Luis asked

"Yeah I know" my mood suddenly changes once I realize that once school starts again he'll probably not even talk to me anymore

"Hey why such a sad face I know school is hell but it's not that bad" he looked at me concerned

"Luis you have to promise me"

"Promise you what?"

"Promise me that you won't ignore me and pretend that I'm not even there when we go back to school" I continue

He smirked "ooooh so you really fancy me huh?" He said  chuckling

"Come on Luis promise me it would mean a lot" I said fidgeting with my thumbs

"Ok ok I promise" he said holding out his pinky

Making me smile "but you know if you don't keep this promise I will gladly go to your house and cut off your dic-"

"OK OK I-I get it I won't break it heh heh" he nervously laughed

"Ok then let's keep it that way" I smiled like I didn't just threaten to chop off his (bleep)


"I'm so hangryyyyyyyyyy" I whine hanging upside down with Emma on the couch

"Girl me too let's go make something"

But as we where about to get up we where stopped "oh no you won't last time you guys tried to make something you almost burnt down the house and that would be one story to tell Murray when he gets back"

"That was only once and besides you guys where the ones who distracted us so it's technically your fault" Emma fired back

"Still I don't trust you we should just order from the diner tonight"

But that just made me have a flashback of when I caught Luis and that girl In my bedroom.

"You know what guys I'm not hungry anymore i think I'll just go to bed" I say speed walking up the stairs to my room"

Once I shut the door I slid my back down it and my breathing got heavy and uneven

"Come on y/n breath its over it's fine your fine just calm yourself"

I took deep breaths in and out calming me down

"God now I'm hungry again" I mentally slap myself in the face for telling them I wasn't ugh

-Emma Knocks on the door-

"Y/n you ok?" Emma asked through the door

"Yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a minute" I look at myself in the mirror making sure I looked fine

"Ok I'm coming in"She walked in siting down on my bed

"Yeah just the thought of the diner we when to reminds me of what Happened with Luis and that girl" I sighed

"Girl why even bother with that irrelevant person, like they don't even matter."

"Your right I just can't get it out of my head you know"

"I think I have an idea of how you can get that off your mind" she smirked


"So there is this movie called 365 days and I think it will give you something to think about"

"Ok what ever you say she turned on the tv in my room closing the door"


(Oh gosh Emma is one crazy girl💀 anyway thanks to everyone who is supporting this story it means so much to me!! Also don't be shy to give me feedback on the chapters🥰)

Make sure to vote and comment for next chapter🌈

-till next chapter e.k.

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