Luis stop!

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I was sitting on a curb waiting for Luis. "This is all my fault..." I said mainly to myself.
Luis pulled up and ran out of his car and crouched down next to me "are you ok?" He said in a low calming voice as he inspected my now busted lip. I quickly embraced him in a hug and he hugged me me back tightly. "I just wanna go home" I said lowly "ok let's go" he held my hand leading me to his car.

The car ride was silent but a good silent it wasn't awkward. We pull up to my house and I walk to my bedroom. "How was the-" Emma started "I don't want to talk about it" I quickly stated and continued walking to my room.

I saw y/n walk to her room. seeing her hurt made me rage with anger but she wouldn't tell me what happened.I usually don't care about these things and leave it alone but she made me feel something no one else could happy...

*back to your pov*
I was in my room finishing my shower and about to go to bed even though it was only 8pm I just wanted to forget about what had happened today.

I was laying in bed when I heard a soft knock on my door "hey it's Luis can I come in?" "Sure"I replayed my voice muffled because my face was on the pillow. "How you doing?" He said walking in "I'm ok." I said with no emotion. Suddenly he got under the blanket with me and hugged me from behind. "What are you doing?" I said slightly confused . "Shhh Im trying to sleep." He said making me laugh a little "there's that smile" he said pulling me closer. "Thank you, Luis for everything" I turned around now facing him. "Any time princess" he smirked "way to ruin the mood" I said slightly shoving him "ok I sorry now let's go to sleep" he said pulling me in once again both of us soon falling asleep.

I woke up to shouting downstairs so I quickly run down to see what is happening. "You have some nerve to come back to this house after what has happened!" Luis shouted clenching his jaw "listen I just wanna talk to y/n and apologize!" Andrew shouted. I looked at Emma she looked confused "what happened last night?" Emma asked "he beat some guy up for elbowing me in the mouth but I asked him to stop and leave it their but he just ignored me and beat the crap out of him so I left." I told her. She grabbed my hand squeezing it lightly.
"What makes you think you can speak for her?!" Andrew yelled Luis was beyond mad now and shoved him off the door steps "you better leave buddy or this won't end well" Jamie jumped in before anything could happen. But Andrew didn't listen and punched Luis off guard but Luis come back fast and punched Andrew a few times. Andrew got a few more punches in but Luis got him back worse. "Guys that's enough!" Emma yelled but they didn't stop and they kept going at each other. "Luis stop!!" I yelled grabbing his hand . Luis started backing up from Andrew "you got lucky" Luis said in a intimidating voice and Andrew ran off. I turned Luis to look at me but he looked away I put my hand on his face which made him slightly flinch and look at me with sad eyes. I grabbed his hand slightly and walked him to my bathroom.
I sat him on my counter and started on cleaning his knuckles. "Ouch!" He flinched "this is your fault you didn't have to do that but-" "yes I did he was being a douche bag" he said squeezing my hand "you didn't let me finish. He deserved what he got and I thank you for that" I said looking at him smiling. "Any day baby" he winked. I smacked his chest making him grunt. "And you deserved that too." I said laughing . "My lip hurts why don't you give it a kiss" he said puckering out his lips "you wish and you still need to be cleaned up you got hit pretty good" Luis rolled his eyes "he has it worse" he mumbled. "Come here so I can finish" I walked in between his legs to get to to his face.
"There is one little problem...." I said looking at Luis "what..?" He questioned
"I only have princess bandaids" I burst out laughing. "What! Are you sure look again?!" He said "I did, now come here so I can put them on you." I was clutching my stomach from laughing "not gonna happen" he said walking back......


A/n- P.s Luis is 17 in this so he can drive 😉

(Thank you all for over 300 reads!!❤️🥺)

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