Why are you here?!

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*her house ^*

Me and Emma parted ways with Jamie and Luis. We decided to go to my house because we were hungry and had no money because we're broke and didn't want to go out. so
We walked to my room and Emma laid on my bed " wow" she said as she was looking around.
I chuckled and walked downstairs to get food for me and Emma. But I was interrupted by...you guessed it Luis.
"What are you doing here?!" He turned around and had that stupid smirk on his face. "Hey there princess" I glared at him "don't call me that and answer my question!" He didn't say anything just looked me up and down. "Uhggg" I just walked to the fridge and grabbed some food and went back to Emma.

"Guess who's here." I asked Emma. She looked at me with wide eyes"your lying" she said as if she read my mind. I just grunted and sat next to her and we turned on a movie (the sandlot 😉) we looked at each other and smirked "Benny looks familiar" I said to her "girl he looks just like Luis not gonna lie " we busted out laughing falling on the floor witch made us laugh even harder. We eventually stopped laughing and continued watching the movie.
Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I went to open it and it was Jamie. " yes...." "Luis is staying with us for a while so you might have to share a bathroom with him" I looked at him wide eyed "are you crazy!!" I asked him "no but he needs to stay here for a little and you have the bigger bathroom sooooo yeah." He said calmly. " I refuse and you can't make me" I said crossing my arms. " she said yes Luis" he yelled. I looked at him with wide eyes. "NO I DIDN'T" I yelled. Jamie just looked at me and smiled. I tried to push him but he didn't budge so I started punching his back. "Stop that, that tickles!" He said while laughing to get on my nerves. "UHGG get out you big baby!" I yelled but he continued to just stand there.
He walked over to my bed laying next to Emma witch made her blush. "That's not fair you can't get on my bed." I said still not amused. "GO LUIS NOWS YOUR CHANCE!" I looked at him confused and Emma looked at him the same. Suddenly I feel someone picking me up at the waist and pull me away from my room. I see Jamie pick up Emma and run away with her. I scream because I'm thrown over someone's shoulder. "Put me down" I said while laughing. "As you wish babe" suddenly I get thrown on the couch in the living room. Emma was there too. I looked at her confused and she just shrugged. I look at the two boys that had just took us out of my room for what? I honestly don't know. "What was that for?" Emma asked looking at Jamie then me but I was just as confused as she was. Luis and Jamie looked at each other and nodded. Luis started talking "we have gathered you here today to discuss the bathroom" he said looking at me. "Well there is nothing to discuss so there is no point" I said crossing my arms unhappy and impatient. Jamie started talking "well we thought you might say that so we have to do this" I looked up at him
"Do what?" I asked annoyed rolling my eyes. Then Luis started running to my room while Jamie held me back. "NO!" I yelled once Luis got to my room he locked the door. Emma sat there looking at me laughing. I ran to my room while Emma and Jamie sat on the couch laughing at me.
I got to my door and started knocking. "Luis open up now!"I yelled "No can do sweetheart not until you agree with sharing the bathroom" he said I could tell he had that stupid smirk on his face. "I can't do that" I said "well I guess I will make you then princess" I was beyond confused by now. "How" I asked scared...........

*to be continued*

( got you and the setting is summer break hehehe)

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