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* disclaimer the effects y/n has in this chapter would probably not happen if YOU broke your arm -I think-😂*

~Y/n POV~
"Guys let the poor doctor do his job!" They all got quiet and the doctor proceeded on what he was doing.
I got moved to a separate room to get changed and to get prepared for surgery. I don't want anyone to know but IM KINDA FREAKED ABOUT THIS but i also don't want to worry anyone because have you seen the people that I know they would freak out! "Miss y/l/n are you ok?" Suddenly I'm broken out of my overthinking "yes sorry" I said embarrassed
"No,no it's fine but are you ready I'm about to put an I-V in your arm" I nodded my head but before she could put it Luis walked through the door.
"What are you doing?" I was confused because I was about to go into surgery. "They said only one person could come in before the surgery and I volunteered" he nervously smiled. "Ma'am I'm about to put the  I-v in are you ready?" Gosh did I tell you how much I hate needles? No? WELL I DO!
I felt something warm around my hand I looked down and saw that Luis had grabbed my hand.
I gave him a small smile in return thanking him. "And your all done...so you might feel a little loopy but that's normal" she said cleaning up and leaving the room. "Thank you...for umm..holding my hand" "no problem" he rubbed small circles on the top of my hand.
"I feel a little loopy" I looked around.


"And that's all I remember" I say to Luis
(Let me catch you up on what's happening. I guess I had fallen asleep after the nurse put the I-V in. But apparently not according to Luis. But when I woke up I was home in my bed not knowing how. So I told him all that I remember before the surgery)
"Tell me your joking right" he said shocked "no I'm telling the truth I promise" it seemed that Luis was in shock  "tell me what happened from your POV then" I told Luis. He sighed


-Luis POV-
"I feel a little loopy" y/n said "I know the nurse said you would feel that way" I reassured "I want cake" she randomly said "no you can't have anything until after surgery" she tried getting up but I held her down "you can't get up either" "oh loosen up break the rules sometimes" she is really out of it "y/n we can do this later but you can't get up" "ok" she responded simply "your hot did you know that" I was in shock I don't know what to do..

(Back to when y/n is not loopy )

"Luis I did not say that!" She defended "oh but yes you did" I smirked "NO-" I cut her off "now back to the story..."

                             (The story)
The nurse walked back in and I had to leave. "We will be taking you into surgery now miss y/l/n" the nurse started to wheel her out of the room "I don't wanna do thiiiiisssss" she complained "y/n you have to it's going to be fine I promise" she glared at me "whatever Benny" that was the last we were gonna she of her until she got out of surgery.

*after the surgery*
(Btw sorry if this chapter is confusing)

The doctor had warned us that she might be a little loopy still but nothing serious but boy was he wrong.
"I'm back bitchessssssssss!" Y/n screamed to me,Emma and Jamie. "Y/n you gotta be quiet there are others that need sleep and they are sick" Emma tried calming her down "biiiiitch I can do whatever I wAnT" the doctor came up to us and explained what was happening "I'm sorry to tell you this but she is on the top 5 list on worst aftermaths from the medication" Jamie busted out laughing me and Emma looked at him "sorry" he cleared his throat "guuuuyyyys hUrRy uuup" I sighed knowing the trip home was going to be long...


(I am going to be trying to update more often now that I'm not as busy and thank you all sooo very much for over 2.6k ahhhhh😱❤️❤️)
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Love- E.k.

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