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"You know what Emma I did have fun tonight thank you" I said to Emma as we were waiting on Jamie and Luis "to be honest with you y/n I think we all needed a little fun" I look over to find Luis loosely leaning on Jamie. "Is he ok?" Emma asked Jamie "I don't know but he is drunk and we need to get him to the house" Jamie replayed with a sigh "I aM nOt dRunK" Luis said slurring as he talked "yeah ok bud let's get you home" Jamie said patting Luis on the shoulder.

We pull in the driveway as everyone looks worn out because Luis wouldn't stop talking about random things we didn't need to know about (Iykyk)but he had finally fallen asleep."y/n take Luis inside I need to clean this up" I just simply sighed to tired to argue back. "Luis wake up we're home" I said slightly shoving his arm "caRrY mE?" He asked "no you are too heavy I can help but you gotta stand up" he stumbled trying to stand up straight so I put his arm around my shoulder to give him some support.
"Take me to your room" he whispered "why?" "CuZ i WaNNa cUDdlE" he pouted "no I think you will regret that in the morning you can sleep there but I'll sleep somewhere else" I stated. Even though he was drunk and probably didn't know what he was saying I didn't want to give in. "I'm sorry" he said quietly "what?" I was confused because he said it so randomly "I'm sorry" he said again as his eyes started to water "I- umm...it's ok ...I'll take you to my room" he stayed silent as we walked to my room. We walked in my room and I sat Luis on my bed "stay here I'm going to get you clean clothes" he nodded and I got some of his cloths.
"Go change I will be out here if you need me" I sighed slightly as he walked in my bathroom closing the door. I decided i needed to get changed too while I have time. As I finished Luis walked out changed and cleaned up. "Good night" I said about to walk out the door but Luis stoped me " please don't leave me I'm so so sorry for what I did and I regret it. I didn't mean to do it and I don't even like her she doesn't make me happy The way you do-" I froze when he said that and started to tear up I didn't even know why. And I could tell he was too.
"Luis i..I don't know what to say" I let a tear slip out "then don't say anything just please forgive me" he got on his knees hugging my legs letting out silent sobs. "I don't know if I can" I let out more tears as I talk. "I will do anything for you y/n just please forgive me I can't lose you not now" his voice cracks as he try's too talk. I lift his face with both of my hands making him look at me."please don't cry" I wipe his tears off with my thumbs as more replace the old ones "it will take time and effort but if you really want this than I think it will work" he stood up to now be taller than me as he is holding my face, "I want this and I will not stop until it is better" he pulls me in a tight hug and I hug back. "Will you lay with me....please" he asked pulling away from the hug, I give him a small smile pulling him in bed with me. "I missed you" I say as he lays down on my stomach holding onto both of my sides "me too" was the last thing he said as we both fell asleep.


(This was my idea that I wanted to write about I hope you liked it if you guys have any ideas pleas tell me❤️with all love -Emily 🥰)
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