In my room!

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Me and Emma were in the pool swimming and messing around. I look up to see Luis string at me through the big glass window that has a perfect view of the backyard, I just pretend I don't see him and continue talking to Emma

*30min later*

"I think we should head inside" I told Emma as it was getting dark but still some sunlight. "Ok sure" we both got out and it was freezing so once we got inside I throw on some shorts and a sweatshirt. I was going to take a shower later anyway. I didn't see Luis and that girl which was kinda weird "hey Jamie were did Luis and that girl go?" I asked "I don't know" but he looked suspicious and nervous "Jamie??" Emma stepped in "umm I don't know ok..." he said lowly. I just sighed and me and Emma walked to my room I heard mumbling coming from inside of it. I looked at Emma and she just shrugged. I opened it slowly to reveal a half naked girl and a shirtless Luis "what the fu*k"  I said "sh*t y/n It's not... I mean I-" but before he could finish I walked downstairs and slipped on some shoes "we're are you going?" Emma asked sympathetically "a walk I wanna be alone right now" I said quietly she just nodded and understood that I needed some alone time.
I was walking to the small beach that Emma showed me when we first met which made me smile but then the picture of Luis and the diner girl popped in my head again and it made me wanna cry but I had to keep my cool.

I arrived at the beach and the sunset instantly relaxed me *pic at top* the great thing is that no one was here and it was peaceful. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a bunch of missed calls and text from Luis but I didn't care and the fact that they were in my room! Like what the actual f*ck.  I just wanted to hide in a box and never come out. But the worst part is that I was starting to like him I thought he was different but I guess not.

It had been 2 hours sense I had left the house and I started to walk back. It was dark and I was a little scared but my house was right down the street.
I got home and I was hesitant to open the door but I did and tried not to make too much noise. "Hey we're did you go?" Jamie questioned "a walk" I said emotionless and continued to walk to my room. I opened my door to see Luis siting on my bed with his hands on his face "get.out." I said bluntly "y/n we're did you go- why did you leave I- I-" he tried to continue but I cut him off "did you not hear me I said get out and I mean it.." I said tearing up. Really y/n  now you decide to cry great job. "Y/n please don't do this" he continued to walk to me but I backed up "you know Luis you are a real a*s you know that and to think that you could come in here and do whatever you where going to do!!!" I paused as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Right now I want you to get out and leave me alone ok?!" I meant what I said and he walked out with his head low but I had no remorse for him for all I care he could cry and I wouldn't care he knew what he did was wrong and he did it anyway.

I took a shower and got dressed I walked out to the guest room to see Emma in the bed watching a movie "Emma can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked "sure what ever you need I got you" she got up and hugged me  "but can we sleep in here I don't wanna go to my room" I said looking down "of course" she hopped on the bed and patted the spot beside her making me smile and join her soon falling asleep with blankets and pillows all around us.


Welp this one was different let me know how you like it 🥰 also vote for another chapter

(Thank you sooooo much for over 600 reads like what!!🥰❤️)

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