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Luis pov.

"Dude she was crying in her sleep and I was freaking out!" I explain to Jamie

"She did this a while back when she lived near by, and she stayed with us ... I had thought they had gone away since then but I guess not" Jamie said scratching his neck

"She always had them?" I question

"Yeah it got so bad at one point to where she didn't wanna sleep alone anymore she would try to hide them too but I knew she had them" he frowned

"What caused this all?"

"You have to ask her man it's not my business to tell" he patted my shoulder and walked away

I walk into (y/n's) room to see her still asleep. Gosh I want to know who hurt her she doesn't deserve it

I wipe hair out of her face and lay back down next to her she's so beautiful when she sleeps god I wish I knew what happened

(Y/n) POV

I wake up to the feeling of Luis's body next to mine so i move closer

"Your awake" he smiles

"Yeah I just did" I smile back at him

"I want to ask you about last night...if that's ok you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"He said looking into my eyes with worry

"Well umm ok...I'll tell you" I said nervously, I had never told anyone besides my uncle about my home life and this is a big step for me

I don't know why I feel Comfortable with him I just do

⚠️Mentions of abuse⚠️

"Ok well to be honest I never really had the best home life and I was never really wanted..."

I sigh before I continued

"I was Neglected and my dad and mom didn't want me so I had to fend for myself most of the time because they didn't seem to care if I where dead or alive"

I pause

"My real mom ran from my dad and I get why she did but she left me behind to deal with him... all alone" I wipe a few tears away not from being sad but from being mad

"She left me all alone! She didn't love me anymore" i play with my fingers

Luis grabs my hands and pulls me into his chest "well it's a good thing I want you you know why?" He pulls my hair out of my face

"Why?" I sniffed

"Because then I would have no one" he looks into my eyes

"Shut up you lire everyone loves you you got girls screaming over you every day" I smile

"There's that smile we all love" he pinched my cheek Slightly

"Just know that I will always be here I would never leave you"

"You pinky promise?" I put out my pinky

"Your such a kid..but yes I pinky promise" He looked his finger with mine


(This chapter it a bit different than the others but I hope you like it🌼🌼🌼
Y'all I just wanna give you all a big big big hug for getting me to 20k READSSSSSS like waaaa y'all I love you guys and if you need me I'm right here xoxo )

Love e.k. ❤️

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