final chapter

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Everything was silent their was no sound what's so ever. Everything felt heavy almost like it was trying to pull him into the ground. Suddenly flashes of the fight went through the younger mind like rapid fire. Then their was a faint sound of someone crying...

Is that me...?

Then their was the felling of a soft hand on his cheek but it felt like everything but comforting that's when a certain brown hair boy pop into his mind making him pause.

Jimin quickly opened his eyes with a loud gasp as he clenched onto the hospital gown he wore. Jimin took a moment to catch his breath while staring off and to the white walls of the room. The sound of the computer beeping was clear in his brain and the felling of his cold hands was enough to let him know he was still alive

Tears pooled from Jimin eyes as he choked on his words.

"Doc....ter" Jimin voice wasn't even audible to his own ears. Slowly he pulls the sheets off his weak legs before tossing them over the edge of the bed. With a little support from the side bed Taehyung began to stand up only to fall to the ground once more.

The sound of the heart meter picks up indicating that he was in stress but Jimin ignores it. His throat was burning and his eye sight was barely even their. All jimi wanted was something to drink and maybe find some food while at it.

So he tires once more to stand. This time a little more successful as he watched his room door open. Who ever was their at the door was shocked alright but sadly Jimin vision was to blurry to make out a face and his body had given out.

The next time jimin woke up was the next week but this time Namjoon was by his side. Namjoon made it his job to tell jimin what happen after going into a coma almost two years ago.

Namjoon told jimi about the final fight between Taehyung. He told Jimin about how Jungkook was the one to kill Taehyung with the last shot but was also injured by Hoseok. Sadly Seokjin dies the day of the fight by not getting the medical attention he needed in time and how Yoongi went missing during the fight and no one has seen or heard of him since.

Jimin was happy to hear that Jungkook was able to be saved but what Namjoon said next broke the younger heart.

"Even though Jungkook is physically the same he has changed." After rescuing jungkook he instantly went into shock about everything. Just the thoughts of the things that happened to Jungkook was enough to make him break down into a panic attack. Not once had Jungkook spoke a word to anyone not even his therapist. He was like a empty glass waiting to be disposed of.

"The last thing he ever said to me or anyone was 'I'm sorry.' And even that was over a year ago.." Namjoon sighs out sadly.

It was ture Jungkook was broken he never smiles and is always jumpy around people in all honesty it worried everyone at big hit.

Even then Namjoon made more rules for the mafia. Everyone must have tracking devices on them when they go out. Along with a escape plan ready for if anything happened. Security was boosted up by hundreds precent and now there was at least ten assassins out around the city to keep watch for any thing bad that could harm them.

You may call namjoon a mad man for this but in jimin and many other people's eyes it was understandable. Namjoon was somewhat of a father and older brother to everyone at big hit he had a deep connection with each one of them and it one thing bad was to happen to them he would not think twice to rush in and save them.

After week of being stuck in the hospital wing of the mansion Jimin was finally able to be released and go on missions again. But instead of going to the front office for his next mission he instead goes to see Jungkook of course he is aware that Namjoon told him to give Jungkook enough time to get better but jimin couldn't help it.

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