Chapter 19

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No one pov

Jungkook took small steps backwards and away from the tall figure. He didn't know what to think as his mind went into a panic.

"I-I know I'm not su-supposed to be down here but i couldn't help..." Jungkook mumbles. The younger let's out a silent squeak when his back hits a wall. Now he's really trapped.

"Jungkook?" Said the deep voice. Jungkoom look up to see the strange figure come into the light. It wasn't a stranger but instead was yoongi who looked down at the smaller boy with a raised eyebrow.

This is much worse than a murderer! Jungkook mind screamed as tears began to weld up in his eyes.

"Please d-dont tell T-Taehyung! I promise t-this won't happen again!" Jungkook said not even caring that he broke down in tears in front of the older. Yoongi couldn't help but to let his eye's softened at Jungkook. The younger just looked so scared that it made yoongi think what Taehyung does to Jungkook to make him ack this way.

"Calm down Jungkoom i won't tell him.." Yoongi said in a soft to so he wouldn't upset Jungkook even more. " but why where you down here?"

Jungkook stiffened at Yoongi's word's making him look down at his feet." I-I wanted to find a quiet place to read my books..." The younger lied. Yoongi let out a long sigh. He knew that Jungkook ws lying it was written all over his face. Plus Taehyung would never let Jungkook out of his sight especially this late at night. The thought of jungkook running off somewhere made the older wonder if jungkook would ever tried to escape from this place again. It had been quite a while since jungkook tried.

"Jungkook can i ask you something?" Yoongi said in his usual tone. The younger wipe the last tear off his cheek before looking back up at yoongi while nodding his head. "If someone gave you a chance to leave this place would you?" Yoongi finally spoke out.

The look on jungkook face was a mox of shock and confusion almost as if he didn't know what to think or do at that moment. The long silence started to make yoongi regret asking the question at all.

"You don't have to answer me now but make it soo-"

"No." Yoongi lifted his head at jungkook who looked back at him with a blank stare. "I would never try to escape again." Jungkook finished. Yoongi couldn't pin point it but there was something different about Jungkook whole mood with his answer almost as if he went on temporary air plane mode. Something was off with jungkook in yoongi eyes and whatever it is it's not good.

Later that afternoon yoongi quickly walked down the hall from his room. He wanted to leave the mansion as quick as he could. He didn't want to run into anyone at the moment because he know if he did they'll have questions which wouldn't end well. Just as he made it to the front door he heard a voice call out to him.

"Where do you think your going?" With a quick turn yoongi saw Taehyung standing by the grand stairs in his usual suit with Jungkook standing quietly beside him. Clearing his throat yoongi said a quick reply.

"Jin wanted to meet me for lunch." Yoongi said with a straight face.

"What business does my brother have with you?" Taehyung ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Dunno guess I'll find out when i get there." Yoongi said with a shrug. Taehyung gave the older a suspicious glare before turning and leaving towards the living room with jungkook not to far behind.

"Whatever just make sure your back before six i got guess coming over." That was the last thing yoongi heard before he finally left to go see Jin.

The location Jin had sent yoongi led him to a local Diner. Walking inside yoongi noticed how there wasn't much people there but a few elders and some family's eating.

"Yoongs over here." Called out jin who was sitting at a booth in the back with a blond haired man who was dressed in a expensive suit. Yoongi took the seat beside Jin as he carefully studied the man in front of him. For some reason the guy seemed as if he didn't like yoongi despite the fact that they never have met before.

"Namjoon I'll like you to meet yoongi. Yoongi this is Namjoon also know as Jimin's older brother." Yoongi felt his blood run cold for some unknown reason as he looked at the man. This extravagant and expensive looking man was the older brother to jimin. It finally came to Yoongi since of why Namjoon may not like him as there has been a lot of things he has done to jimin that Jin and his big mouth may have said.

"Nice to meet you." Namjoon said even though his voice showed anything but joy. Jin slowly pick up his cut taking a drink of it. He knew this could backfire on him but it was the only way of not only getting Namjoon to trust him more but also get yoongi killed and out the picture.

And with that thought he is willing to take all the chances he can get.

Author Note:

Tell the truth this self quarantine thing is really getting boring and I'm beginning to miss my friend's.

I really how you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one bye~

I really how you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one bye~

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