Chapter 14

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"So... What are we going to do with him then?" Hoseok ask as Namjoon continue to look at the boy.

Namjoon slowly bent down onto one knee to get at closer look at the boy. Pushing a strand of hair away Namjoon now could fully see the boys face. He had soft white skin that was now covered in dark bruises that where shure to take a while until they healed all the way. Out the corner of the olders eyes Namjoon noticed a bag on the ground which he assumed was the kids.

Opening the front pocket Namjoon found a wallet. There wasn't any money in it but a student id card.

"Jeon Jungkook age: 15...." Namjoon looked to his side to see hoseok hovering over his shoulder looking at the id card also. "He's fairly young to be involved with gangs don't you think?" Namjoon hummed in response putting the wallet in his back pocket.

"Get the boy we'll take him with us-" Namjoon stop talking when he heard the sound of retreating feet. Both men looked up to see the small body no longer there. "Find him." Namjoon said dully. With a nod both him and Hoseok split up to look for the kid. While searching Namjoon started to notice how much brighter one area of the abandoned building was. Walking slowly towards the light the older took in his surroundings.

There was a mattress up against one wall with a really dirty blanket neatly folded on it. At the end was piles of old comic books and on another wall was empty cans of food and torn clothing.

"What is this place..."

"I-its my h-home..." Namjoon turned around to see Jungkook standing behind him with a wooden spoon in his hands. "A-and if you don't want to get hurt i- I suggest you and your friend leave." The older couldn't help but to smirk at Jungkook threat as he wasn't really as scary as the young though he was being. But all was forgotten when Namjoon noticed how jungkook was trying to balance on one foot and how his body shook from not fear but trying to stay standing and awake.

Before Jungkook could register what was going on he was falling forward but was quickly caught by the Older men. Jungkook didn't care anymore as he felt to weak to fight back so he let his eyes close and sleep consume him.

"Your coming with me." Was all Jungkook heard before darkness took over him.

Jungkook pov:

A few minutes later I began to move in me sleep before fully opening my eyes. Looking at my surroundings I noticed how I was in the back seat of a car. I quickly shot up to look out the window only to see us zooming past large trees with no house or building in sight.

'Is this how I die?' I thought to myself. I wasn't ready to die just yet. Sure my life isn't the best but that doesn't mean I'm ready to throw it all away.

"Boss he's finally awake." I looked forward to see a guy with shades on eyeing me from the driver seat of the car. Next the person in the passenger seat slowly turned around to reveal the blond haired guy from earlier.

"I-its you..." I whispered under my breath. The man ignore my comment as he begins to speak.

"I never really got to introduce myself." He clears his throat. "My name is Kim Namjoon it's a pleasure to meet you." This Namjoon guy holds out his hamd for me to grab but when I make no move to he just pulls his hand away scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry there isn't any restaurants anywhere near here. But once we get back I'll have my chefs cook you dinner."

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