Chapter 6

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Jungkook honestly didn't have any idea how long he have been there. He spent most of his time on the bed or trying to figure out how to unlock the door. There was no windows or clocks so he couldn't tell the time and on top of that he was starting to get hungry. He didn't know what to do at this point but sit there. He was hoping that namjoon of someone will come for him saying how he has been gone for to long now.

The sound of the bedroom door unlocking made jungkook look up he watched as two guys walk in one looked a bit tired while the other had on the mask to cover his face.

"Get him." Said the mint haired guy. Soon the masked guy was unlocking the chains around jungkook neck and dragging him out the room. Of course he could easily escape in no time if he tried but he wanted to get a look of his surroundings to find the best time to run for it.

The first thing jungkook realized when he was outside the room was how dark the hallway was meaning that it somehow must have been blocked off from the rest of the house.  Getting to the end of the hall there was a door which the mint haired guy open with a key.

From beyond that hall the rest of the place was beautiful chandeliers hanging from almost every room and and a grand stairs leading to the second floor. From the corner of junglook eye he could see the front door it was only a few feet away from where he was standing if was just able-

"Hey pup"

Jk pov

I jump at the deep voice looking behind me stood me kidnapper with a big annoying smirk on his face. I felt almost ready to attack him at that moment.

"We retrieved him like you said mr. Kim." Said the mint haired guy. So that was his last mane? The kim guy went out to grab my arm but i move away from him the moment he almost touched me. His smirk fell as his mouth pushed into a thin line.

"Now is that the way to treat the person who save you?" He ask with a cold tone.

" you didn't save me." I responded emotionless looking him in the eyes with pure hate. He just cleared his throat before speaking.

"You mahst be hungry am i right?" I looked at him with confusion as he had on of his man pull me away and into a large dinning room. At the end of the table was a plate of food and right beside it was another.

"I had one of my best servants fix breakfast do you like it?" I said nothing he let out a sigh as he sat down at the table and me bing forced to sit down along with him. I didn't make a move to eat as i sat the silently listening to him eat the food.

"Eat" he saod looking at me with a Stern look

"Im not hungry."

"I said ea-"

"Im. Not. Hungry." I pressed on with ever word, i watched as this kim guy poke the inside of his mouth before grabbing me by my shirt collar pulling me face to face with him.

"When i say do something you do it when i say so."

"And if i don't?" I said with a taunting smirk, i was honestly scared of what was to come it seemed as if he had split personality one moment he was calm but with the click of a button he was going on a rampage.

Just as i expected he was angry he pulled me forward towards him and before i could register what was going on his lips where connected to mine. I instantly began to slam my hands onto his chest trying me hardest to push him away but he kept his grip on me, it was a rough yet sloppy kiss and i wasn't enjoying it at all.

He then slowly began to pull away i could see the fire of lust in his eye's but it looked like he was trying to restrain himself from doing anymore. One of his hands went to the pack of my neck as he watched me with a smirk.

"You make me want to do so much to you pup." He says a wicked smile taking over his face. I felt my blood run cold at the sight it looked almost like something you would see in a horror movie. "So i will give this as a warning not to disobey me again." He smiled.

And with that concluded my first week of staying with this monster.

I don't really know what to say other than sadly I'm gonna habe to announce that my summer break officially ends this coming week

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