Chapter 9

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Tears where mix in with sweat and chocked sobs and cries for help was over thrown by yells of pleasure.

Jungkook was told that when you had sex it was supposed to be perfect and a happy moment but for him at the moment he felt nothing but pain. Every single time Taehyung would thrust into the poor boy he would feel a sting in his bottom half. Jungkook held tightly onto the sheets underneath him as he tried to block out the noise of Taehyung groans of pleasure.

"P-please stop th- Ah!" Jungkook cried out feel his leg being thrown over Taehyung shoulder so the older could get a better angle.

This was so messed up nobody should want this, Jungkook didn't want this.

Taehyung thrusted into Jungkook three more times before releasing his seed into him. With a satisfying sigh Taehyung got up walking to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving a broken and crying Jungkook alone.

Jungkook didn't cry as loud as before as he has lost his voice. His eyes felt blank as he did nothing but stare at the white wall listening to the shower run. Jungkook brain felt hazy and everything was spinning to fast.

'What's the point of fighting it anymore?' Jungkook thought, almost everytime Jungkook tried to resist he would just lose and be put back into this prison of a home.

'So why not just surrender..?'

There was a sound of the shower being turned off before Taehyung came strolling out with damp wet hair and a lose pair of dress pants on. The older then walked over to his closest to get fully dressed until walking over to Jungkook who was laying in the same position Taehyung had left him in. Taehyung ran his hands through the boys hair even wiping away a few tears that has falling

"I didn't want to hurt you pup but you need to know what you did was wrong" Taehyung sigh looking at Jungkook who still had a blank stare on his face. "Promise me you wont try to run away anymore." There was a silence for a few seconds Jungkook then raised his head to look at Taehyung.

"I promise." The answer was short and lower then a whisper but Taehyung still heard it. With no other thing to say he told Jungkook to clean himself before leaving the room. Once outside the room Taehyung felt a smile tug at his lips

"I finally broke him" Taehyung sang happily walking down the hall and to the basement to deal with his next situation.

Jimin stood silently looking at the mint haired man who just casually sat in a chair looking back at him with a calm expression.

"So tell me, what's your name?" Yoongi ask Jimin just looked back without saying a word. "I did some research a while back when Jungkook first arrive." Jimin raised an eyebrow wanting to figure out what the older knows.

"Turns out Jungkook isn't just some slut who likes to go party but instead is an assassin working under bighit." Jimins eyes widened at yoongi words.

"But something much more interesting that i found out is that the night Jungkook left with Kim Taemin also known as my boss Kim Taehyung brother he was murdered in his own home and some files where missing from his office. And how Taehyung would do anything to get back at the guy who murdered his only family left even killing the dear boy."

"Stop talking.." Jimin mumbled with his head hanging low, Yoongi smirk liking to see how vulnerable the boy looked before him.

"It would be ashame if this information somehow ended up on the boss desk and the next day your company was sent a box with his head in it-"

"I said stop it!'" Jimin yelled. Just as he did so the metal door of the room open the reveal the true monster himself who should be blamed for everything happening. Kim Taehyung.

"Now." Yoongi smirk standing up "The real interrogation can begin."

Everyone gather around there boss as he walked into the lobby of the mansion. But no one's yes where on him, no. All eyes where on the cute short boy hiding behind him.

"Everyone this is Jungkook." Namjoon announce "he will be staying with us for awhile please treat him with the same respect you would for anybody else in this company." Everyone yelled a loud yes sir making Jungkook Jump back a little.

But in the background behind the whole crowd stood a curious 16 year old boy that look right back at Jungkook. Namjoon noticed this and smiled already seeing a friendship form between the two and maybe something more.


Namjoon jumped out of hos trance to see a guy with black hair looking down onto him.

"Are you alright you kinda ran into me..." Namjoon looked around his area an noticed he was in a supermarket. Namjoon mumbled a small im fine before standing up on his own.

"My mind isn't in the right place. Sorry for bumping into you Mister uhm..." Namjoon trailed off not knowing his name. The gut took Nmajoon hand shaking it politely.

"Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin." The man said along with an award winning smile.

Worldwide handsome has entered the chat.

I was up at 3am writing this and there was a weird noice coming from outside my room.

I was up at 3am writing this and there was a weird noice coming from outside my room

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