Chapter 13

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Many years ago...

The room was silent as no one made a sound. One by one a group of five guys got themselves ready for what they would have to do that night. Two sat off to the side filling guns with bullets another two continue to go over the plan while the last stood and watched.

"Sir." The blonde hair man turned his head to see one of the many guys looking at him. "Where ready." With a smirk the blond head threw away the cigarette he once had between his lips while walking out the door.

"Let's get this show on the road." The blonde said with a slight laugh. And thus started the change in his and his mafia life.

Jungkook pov:

I walked down the school hall with my head down. I try my best to seem invisible as i made my way towards the exit. School got out in lest then thirty minutes but I usually try to leave earlier then that, why? Because of a certain group if people.

My bullies...

They like to use me as what they call a 'stress reliever.' Before class they would have me meet in the boys locker room and there they'll beat me until they are satisfied. Same thing will happen during lunch and after school. But slowly I began to figure out ways to avoid them. I started to wish I paid more attention because soon I was bumping into someone sending me to the ground. I let out a yelp after my butt hit the ground harshly.

"Sorry I didn't see you- Jungkook?" I paused, I know that voice. I slowly looked up to see a raven haired boy looking right back down at me.

"Cha-Chanyeol! Hey..." Got this is embarrassing.

"Are you okay? Your not hurt are you?" He said reaching his hand out to me. With shaking hands I grab his hand with my much smaller one letting him pull me up from the ground. I stumbled a little making me fall right into his chest making me blush wildly.

"Im so sorry." I said with wide eyes.

"Calm down Jungkook it's okay." I slowly let out a sigh of relief.

I've liked Chanyeol since seventh grade, he was always a good looking kid and fun to be around. But now since he is older he seems to only become much more of a nice and generous person. I always felt like i could talk to him about everything that was on my mind. And the best part was that he never judge me for who i am and what i came from.

After my embarrassment washed over I just kinda stood there not really knowing what to say or do next. Im in front of my life long crush for crying out loud!

"Well I better be going now" I awkwardly laughed looking down at my dirty old shoes.

"Where to?" Chanyeol ask with his head crook to the side cutely.

"To my hide out since you know..."

"Oh. Yeah I understand." He said with a sad smile. Once again silence seemed to take over. I wanted to make the move and go but it seemed like Chanyeol wanted to say something to me.

"Um Jungkook you wouldn't mind if I came with you right?" Why all a sudden he wants to come along?

"Why?" I question.

"Just that I always hear you talk about it with me so i guess i was kinda curious of how it lookes." I bit down on my lio while looking at him. The hideout which Chanyeol is referring to isn't really a hideout but my home too. Once my mom died my dad kick me out so i had not other choice but to fend fo myself. Maybe I could show him the half that i would consider my home...

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