Chapter 1

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"That goddamn bastard!" I hiss through my teeth. "I'm gonna kill him"

I grip harder onto the files that where securely held in my hands as I watch another Co worker get a A class mission. I have been working for this company how long and I'm still a C class assassin.

"stop growling people are starting to look at you weirdly." chirp my friend jimin as he sip his coffee  calmly. I just scoffed as I looked forward.

"says the guy who just failed a mission." I mumble even though I know he heard me.

"hey! That guy had backup there was nothing I could do." he glare back at me.

Me and my friend jimin worked at this secret Corporation called Big Hit. It was more of a mafia than a corporation in my opinion. Each person in this company had committed at least one crime in there lives and still are.

Classes are ranks of how skilled you where.  A being the highest  as F was the lowest. Usually D and F class people  where the ones who gather the in formation and stayed at the mansion while the other  classes left and went on the actual missions.

Me and jimin where class C even though I believe I should be in class A. though it sounds like bragging I have to admit it I was more skilled  than all the others in my class along with class B,  just that our stupid boss was to blind to see it.

"speak of the devil" I said as our boss walk through the door.  Kim Namjoon that was his name,  his once white suit jacket was covered in a dark red color as he swiftly took it off handed it to a worker at the desk. I watched as he ran a tried hand through his dyed blonde hair before looking at me. He motion for me to follow him as he walked up the steps,  I rolled my eyes as jimin smiled.

"This could be your chance to talk to him about making you an A class assassin kook." jimin excitedly squealed. Sometimes he could be such a big baby.

"yeah or start planning my escape when I kill him. " I joked while walking away. It wasn't long till we made it to Namjoon office. He lazily sat down at his desk as I quietly stood at the door.

"I'm guessing the Rescue mission went well huh?" I said crossing my arm. He just look up at me with a smile.

"what you think" he said with a smile

"guess that's a yes"I sigh.  I watched as namjoon go up off his chair going towards a grand bookshelf off to the side of his office,  he briefly skim through the shelves.

He then pulled out a cream colored folder that read classified. "your familiar with A class missions right?" namjoon ask,  my eyes lit up with those words as I nodded my head quickly. Namjoon chuckle as I guessed he could tell just how happy I was hearing that.

He motion for me to to come closer,  once I was he place a photo on his desk of a guy.  The man looked to be about in his mid twenties. "Lee Taemin..." I read his name out loud,  namjoon type something on his computer before turning it to face me. It had all of the guys information on it.

"he once was an ally of ours before killing one of my men and running off with not only a load of the company money but classified information. " namjoon snarled as I could tell he was starting to get angry. "we need him to tell us what he knows and then get rid of him before it's to late.. That's when you come in." he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Jungkook if you can pull this mission off I will up grade you to Class A.. That's what you want right?" he finished.

After the meeting I had with Namjoon I left back to my room. Yes I was one of the lucky ones to be able to live in the mansion just cause I was that close with joon. I spent the remainder of my afternoon reading about the guy.  Apparently this Taemin guy is the brother of a mafia leader here in Korea it doesn't say which one but I guess it doesn't matter as long as I don't screw anything up.

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