Chapter 20

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Everything was silent around the three men. Jin continued to drink his coffee while Namjoon glared at Yoongi who tried his best to act as if he doesn't noticed. Namjoon couldn't figure out the guy in front of him. Namjoon didn't know what yoongi motives where with his little brother exactly. With all this thinking it made the older think back to the conversation he had with jin in the car arlier.


"There's something I need to tell you.." Jin says not once taking his eyes off the road as both men drove. "This guy we are going to meet. He's not safe." Namjoon pulled his eyebrows together  in confusion.

"What do you mean by that? How bad is he?" Namjoon ask. Namjoon noticed how Jin fist tightly held onto the car steering wheel.

"Trust me he's a bad person. I let him get into my head once and ever since i haven't been able to make things right.." Jin didn't look so much angry but more hurt and saddened. Namjoon pity the older as he lightly place his hand to jin shoulder. The older smiled taking a small glance at jin.

"Having you here can change things, make it right for once and for all." Jin smiled softly. Namjoon doesn't know how but slowly each day jin becomes a good guy in Namjoons eyes. What ever this guy had did to Jin makes Namjoon angry just thinking of what Jin might have gone through before all this. And starting today Namjoon was going to change everything.

Flashback end

"Okay getting straight down to business yoong's we are going to need a lot of your help." Jin said placing his hand on the boys shoulder. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at jin with a questionable look. "Recently I have found out that you have the little boy in your possession right?"

Yoongi nodded looking down at the table with a soft smile on his face. "yeah i have him in my room at the moment." Yoongi could have sworn he heard a growl come from the other side of the able making him freeze up for some unknown reason. "But he wants to escape and go home." Taking a glance yoongi saw how Namjoon looked out the window with an unknown expression on his face.

"And Jungkook. What about him?" Jin ask. Now both the older and Namjoon eyes are on him.

"Jungkook... Wants to stay.."

"What why!?"

"I wish I knew..." Yoongi said looking back at the two with a confused look.

Taehyung pov (after yoongi left.)

"Let's go Jungkook." I said to the small boy as he quickly ran behind me trying to keep up. Yoongi is hiding something I can tell. Of course he hides things from me but for some unknown reason I feel as if this time it's different. Just the other night one of my men said he saw the older sneaking around the mansion a lot more. Sometimes even going into the kitchen bringing out pretty big containers of food and taking it up to his room.

That's a second thing i have noticed. Yoongi prefers staying in his room more then he use to and now taking the job of completely keeping watch of the blonde hair boy in the basement...

What is he hiding...?

I opened the passenger side door for Jungkook letting him get into the car before going to the driver side. I had promised him a few days ago that i would go out and by him some new outfits so why not today? As much as I love seeing him in my clothes he needs some for himself.

I made sure to call my Servants to make sure they clean out a side of my walk in closet for him.

"Taehyung.." I hummed in response hearing the boys voice.

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