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Hello everyone hope you guys are doing well and as promise welcome to a full fledged rant about my story Blood Ink!! Not so long ago I have finished this story and recently I went back and re-read it myself and while doing so I came to the conclusion that it's kinda confusing such as Namjoon and Hoseok relationship and why Jungkook never really escape on his own when he had so many chances.

That's why I decided to write a short summary about each person and their role and personality in hopes it helps you understand why they are the way they are.

Jeon Jungkook:
Right off the bat I'm gonna start with Jungkook. His personality is of someone who strive to be the best and is over confident at first but slowly at the series go by we start to see him become more of a scared and timid person who follows and does as told. The reason for this personality switch is because jungkook cocky mood was all a act and he was always someone who cared for others for example Jungkook never left his father side no matter how much he was abused and hurt along the way. He knew his dad was just mourning his mothers death and hope one day they could move past it together.

That some how says the same with why he never left Taehyung side after being hurt, tortured, and rape by him. Jungkook saw somewhat of his father in Taehyung and thought that maybe if he stayed he could help Taehyung become a better person and change. but in the end he was the one who was consumed and changed into a whole nother person and somehow let himself believe him and Taehyung where actually always ment to be together.

Kim Taehyung:
I actually done yoongi and Taehyung dirty in this story as I held back on my ideas for their past life and such. Taehyung character personality is actually based off the movie We need to talk about kevin and Killing Stalking. I wanted Taehyung to be somewhat of a person who had a traumatic past that caused him to be the way he is. I've yet to decide what happened to Taehyung in his past but their are a few things that I know fits well with filling major pot holes of his personality. I will not say much about him here because once I began talking about yoongi, Jin, Hoseok it'll kinda start to make since.

Min Yoongi:
Yoongi was a type of mysterious character who kept to himself and never showed his true colors to anyone.

But jimin.

I wanted yoongi to be someone who was ruthless and dark on the outside but on the inside he was just someone looking for a way out of the hell like life he dug himself into. Yoongi and Taehyung where childhood friends and unlike Taehyung yoongi was just a normal kid who fraught and bullied others for fun and wanting to be accepted and not outcast and pushed away as he delt with abandonment issues as a kid after his mom left him alone one day and never came home.

So after Taehyung became friends with Taehyung it wasn't much long before Taehyung was able to get into yoongi head like he's don to Jungkook and convince him to build a gang which soon turned into a mafia for them. But like always you need money and power to get somewhere in life and what better way then inheriting something from your parents. What in saying here is that Taehyung was the one to kill him and Taemin parents with the help of yoongi.

And after doing so and becoming such a well know mafia yoongi wanted out as he no longer wanted to live the life of a criminal any longer but s normal person but having nothing to his name and Taehyung being his only friend is what caused him to stay but after meeting jimin yoongi once again decided to fight for his freedom.

Park Jimin:
Their isn't much to say about Jimin since he is such a flat character and I played his personality out well. Jimin is of course your typical best friend type person who's chill and laid back but will always be there when needed the most. This also reason with after jimin leg was broken he let his guard down and became upset. Instead of worrying for himself at that moment of pain he was instead thinking about Jungkook as he pity his best friend knowing that his situation couldn't be any better then his own.

Even though Jimin did care for yoongi. In a way he mostly cared about jungkook safety as he jumped at any chance he could to escape and save his best friend even if in the end he could die. Jimin not once thought about himself in particular but other people's safety which is another reason why he himself why got hurt so much. I wanted that to somehow be the reason why jimin tried to escape while yoongi was gone probably.

(Originally Jimin was supposed to write a letter goodbye to yoongi before he left but at the same time I wanted yoongi to hear Taehyung tell him. jimin was dead and it would make it much better to me.)

Jimin was to worried what would happen to yoongi if he did help them and chose to escape and that's something he didn't want on his conscious. Because what if yoongi decided to change his mind. So instead jimin ran and tried to leave yoongi behind.

Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon is of course the father and brother figure of the story. He plays a character who is some what nice caring and smart when gotten into tight situations which is why he is such a good leader because instead of thinking of his people below him as other workers he thinks of them as family and friends. That doesn't mean that if someone close to him got hurt he would be able to keep that cool diameter.

And it shows as the story goes along how much angry and sad Namjoon gets once figuring out about jungkook and jimin disappearances he wanted to ruch in quickly and save the two boy's without thinking of the outcome if he did with out any solid plan. He cares to much about each and every person in his life that he in some ways beats himself down and blames himself if something was to happen to them. Which once again shows when he stays by jimin bed side refusing to eat or sleep as that was his way of punishing himself for not saving his little brother anytime sooner.

Kim Seokjin:
Seokjin character is somewhat confusing for many people as myself I have yet given him a set personality as he is somewhere up in the clouds for me. Seokjin father was actually the chef and close friend to Taehyung parent's so practically the two grew up together. Later down the line Seokjin dad was killed and with no questions the Taehyung parents raised him as their own.

When It came time for a successor for the Kim's family business Taemin refused to take the responsibility as he wanted to live his own life. And Both Taehyung parents found him to be unfit for the job as he was so called not right in the head.

So they gave the responsibility to Seokjin who gladly took it with no complaints. but like said before Taehyung killed his parents with the help of yoongi before this statement was publicly made and him instead took over the business and while doing so took away all Seokjin rights and force him onto the streets to fend for himself.

Jungk Hoseok:

Hobi is more of a background character who is there to fill in plot holes that may need to be. Hoseok is actually A childhood best friend and business partner to Namjoon. Hoseok job within the big hit company was to help with shipments of weapons and such if needed since he had all the connections.

So on thing that you maybe questioning is why was he working for Taehyung and why didn't he tell Namjoon about jungkook. The reason for this is because Hoseok left bighit  two weeks after jungkook moved in so he had no Idea Jungkook became an assassin as in his head jungkook actually did leave after highschool to go live his own life.

As for working for Taehyung. Hoseok had to make a normal living somehow and on top of that he didn't know anything about Taehyung being the ruler of his own mafia. Taehyung made sure to keep his work and mafia life separated from one another as it may become a threat to him if he didn't.

Author note:

That's it for this bonus chapter! I hope this somehow cleared up any questions you guys may have about each character and how it plays into the story.

Of you guys will like a short story of what happen to yoongi after blood ink please let me know other then that this story is done for.

Love you all and see you in my new book Forever Here

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