Chapter 7

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Taehyung pov

We had began to stsrt a new routine at my house ever since my little pup arrived. I would usually go to work in the morning, hear how he tried to escape and have to come home, punish him, and all in time for dinner.

Seokjin (mu personal chef) would always tell me to go easy on him and not be so harsh. How could i when the guy was constantly pushing my buttons!

Today was just like any other. My little pup is trying to escape but this time he was able to make it past the mansion gates. How is still unknown but i do know to have a long and painful conversation with my guards after i get home. I look down at my phone to see i was getting a call from yoongi, i put the phone to my ear as i looked around the area for the brown head.

"Find anything?" I demand running a red light and swerving past cars in fron of me.

"No sir we still looking down town-"

"Then why the fuck did you call!? Find him are you be the next on my death list." I yelled hanging up. Yes i know it was kinda harsh but as the moment i was seeing red and was not in the mood for one of yoongi twenty minute updates.

Jimin pov

I was into my third city. Crazy? I know.

I took some time off of work to look for jungkook. Not only me but others in the company. We where all worried for him sure he goes missing for a day of two but for almost two hole weeks. That was even a little to intense for him.

I tracked his phone which led me to a broken down building. Didn't find much there but some car tracks meaning that someone was there because they look fairly new.

The second town didn't have anything interesting there but when i made it here. Something was off and definitely something was off today.

When walking across the street a car almost hit me but at last minute swerved around and kept going. The Windows where tinted so i couldn't see who it was. Secondly i see a few strange men dressed in all black running all around the place and looking almost nervous and timid of something.

No one would talk to me they a just turn away or act like they did not hear me all in one. I looked down at the picture on my phone of jungkook it was tooken two days after we met each other. He had black messy hair and his clothes where all ripped and torn, i sometimes wonder where namjoon found him.

Let me explain. At Bighit yes they got there assasins and workers who volunteer or ask to join, but there was that little few who where pick up off the street and forced to join.

Jungkook was only a weak and usless kid. Joon was originally just gonna let him stay until he was strong enough to leave but jungkook didn't want to leave.

So he was forced into this lifestyle which he didn't mind so much and have gotten use to. I sometimes wonder what his life would have been like if Namjoon never found him that day.

I guess i wasn't paying attention because next thing i know i being pushed to the ground. I was able to catch myself but i couldn't say the same for the guy who was letting out cuss word's while getting back to his feet.

"Im so sorry i wasn't looking were i was go-" Oh damn

He was gorgeous the guy in front of me. He had pale skin with dark black eyes almost. His hair was a mint color and he was wearing a black turtle neack long sleeve shirt and jeans with some back dressed shoes.

"Just my luck. First the boss is pissd off, the rat somehow escape, and now thi-"

"U-uhm excuse me?" His eyes finally turned my way and i felt my skin heat up beneath my sweater. Maybe he have heard something around here about jungkook and while asking i see if i can get his number...

"Im looking for someone.."

"Beat it kid i don't have time for your bullshit."

Wow that was just straight up rude! I didn't want to give up just yet so as he was about to leave i grabbed his arm and gave him pleading eyes.

"Please. Just...just look at the photo and tell me if you have see him anywhere." He looked at me for a few seconds letting out a puff of air before turning fully my way. I smiled unlocking my phone to show him the photo of jungkook.

"He is about this tall and ahs bunny like teeth even though he's not smiling in this photo...are you alright."

The mans face seem even more pale then it was before and his eyes showed shock but a hint of fear and anger in them.

Does he know jungkook?

"T-this photo." He mumbled before looking at me with full rage. "Where did you get it?"


Well yoongi seems mad👀

Also quick update i will be posting twice every week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays if i habe time.

I'll see you guys next Chapter and don't forget to go show my new story "the search" some love. Chapter one will be here soon!

Dude ain't wrong tho.

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