Chapter 21

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Three of Taehyung man quickly rushed up the grand stairs with him right behind them to yoongi room. Once they where at the door one of the four guys reached out his hand just to notice that the door was locked.

"Step aside" Taehyung order angrily as his key to the room harshly opening the door.

All four men stood quietly as Taehyung opened the door to Yoongi room once opened everything seemed normal with nothing out of place. Almost as if someone was never there.

"Check every corner of this room i don't want one place missed."  Taehyung yelled as he pulled out his phone to call yoongi.

"Hello sir.?"

"Yoongi where did you go?"

"To get lunch with Jin like i told you why?"

"Just want to know how long you will be out."

"Probably for another hour of so..."

"Oh good."

Yoongi didn't like the sound of Taehyung voice over the phone. It sounded angered but glad about something almost as if he know something he doesn't.

"Sir there might have been someone in the closet some clothes are missing." Yoongi heard over the phone making his eyebrows raised. Where they talking about Jungkook? Yoongi thought to himself. Slowly as the pieces of the puzzle put together in his mind he realized what he meant.

"I have to go yoongi" Taehyung said in a cold tone

"WAIT-" If yoongi didn't think he was in trouble then he is now...

Jungkook POV

Jungkook angrily sat down on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest. He just wish the Taehyung would focus on him for once. But since that annoying blond hair guy got here that's all the older would talk about and it made jungkook more then just upset.

He though he was the only person Taehyung loved.

Jungkook felt his eyes start to water and his bottom lip shake a little. Jungkook didn't want to cry over something so stupid like this but he couldn't help it. Taehyung was all he had..

Slowly a door in the room open making Jungkook freeze. Turning around the same person jungkook didn't want to see at the moment emerged from the bathroom. If jungkook wasn't freaking out before he was now.

"Jungkook.." Jimin said in a sad but happy voice. Jungkook couldn't think of what to say he was too in shock and fear of seeing jimin here. "It's been so long" Jimin finally said in happiness. But the moment jimin almost touched jungkook the younger stood up quickly backing up away from him.


"Your not supposed to be here." Jungkook said in a shaken breath "If Taehyung sees you here with me he would..." Jimin didn't know what to say or think as he watch jungkook eyes fill with fear. Something that he never seen on jungkook face in years and it scared him of what will happen if taehyung really found out.

"I- I need to get Taehyung." Jungkook announce as he quickly rushed to the door to leave.

"Jungkook don't do it!" Jimin yelled after him running over just in time to grab jungkook by the waist and pull him back from the closed door.

"Let go of me!" Jungkook yelled trashing around in jimin hold. Jimin quickly sat jungkook down on the bed putting a hand over the younger mouth to stop his yelling.

"Quite or they will hear us!" Jimin whispered yelled. He quickly looked behind him to make sure no one was coming towards the door. Once he was sure no one was there he took his hand off the younger mouth before fully looking at him. Through these past few weeks Jungkook has changed and jimin is able to see that.

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