Chapter 27

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"Let go of me you ass hat!" Seokjin yells pulling his arm out of one of the man arms as he gives him a cold glare. Taehyung calmly walked down the stairs of his mansion still buttoning up his shirt when He noticed His older brother fighting the gaurds at the front door.

"What's going on here." Taehyung said walking up to the group of three the two guys in black quickly stood straight looking at there boss as Seokjin just rolled his eye's looking over at Taehyung.

"Your little dolls won't leave me alone." Seokjin complained.

"It's The first Sunday of the month Jin." Taehyung sigh as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up so that they reached his elbow showing off his arm's. Sunday is when shipments are coming in and out of the mansion. Drugs, weapons, anything you can think of. And that same night money is brought into the mansion. This is the most important day of the month to Taehyung and his mafia.

"So where's the little one?" Seokjin ask with a raised eyebrow now noticing that jungkook isn't tailing behind the older. Taehyung eyes turned dark as he glared at Seokjin.

"He's none of your concern Jin." Taehyung growled. "Now what are you doing here." Taehyung said changing the subject. Taehyung sight looking around the area.

"Just came over the chill out little brother. Or have you forgotten that half of the mansion is mine?" Seokjin said with a teasing smile on his face. Glared at the ground as he marched off and somewhere else in the mansion.

Seokjin let out a long sigh as he quickly walk off and up to his old bedroom. Even though he owns half the place that doesn't mean he knows everything that goes on here. So much has changed since the last time Seokjin truly walked around the place that he don't even know what place is what. But the first thing he needs to deal with is killing Yoongi before he ruins anything else in there plan.

Yoongi felt terrible. His body hurt his lips where dry and his eye's felt droopy from lack of sleep. Yoongi refused to sleep though. He wanted to stay awake and be there for when it happens for when an opportunity for him to escapes opens up.

His arms and legs where in pain from being wrapped up by the ropes in the same position and he couldn't tell if it was the next day or if it was still late at night. While the older mind wander it made him think back to the phone call with Seokjin a few days back. How they found jimin at the river almost dead.

Yoongi felt as if he owned jimin a huge apologies. Yoongi promise him on thing but in the end wasn't even there to protect him when it was most needed. All yoongi wished was for jimin to be alive. And if the younger never forgiven yoongi after all this then so be it.

Just then the metal door opened to reveal a small figure standing by it. Walking into the dim lit room yoongi was able to identify that it was indeed jungkook with a tray of food in his two hands.

"Oh my god Jungkook.." Yoongi said with his mouth hanging open wide. The younger looked terrible. His left arm was basically wrap from his fingers all the way to his shoulder. There was multiple cuts and large bruises on his body and his right eye seemed to be swollen.

Yoongi eye's became darker already knowing who did this to him. If yoongi didn't act now jungkook may end up dying by the hands of Taehyung himself.

"Jungkook." Yoongi called out as he licked his dry lips. The younger didn't respond as he continues to place food on a table a few feet away from him. "Jungkook listen please, I cannot stand seeing you this way." Yoongi called out desperately.

This seemed to catch the younger attention as jungkook raised his head to look at yoongi. Yoongi could see the look of someone who have completely given up in jungkook eyes. Jungkook had finally given up on trying to save himself that he now realized it was better to listen to Taehyung then disobey him any longer.

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