Chapter 17

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Jimin sat at the back of his cell as he listened to the sound of feet come towards him. Yoongi had left a few minutes early so he wouldn't seem suspicious when the other men came down and saw the two together. It wasn't long before two men was standing on the opposite side of the bars. Jimin silently watched as one pulled a key out of his back pocket using it to unlock the door.

"Lets go." On of the hooded men yelled at Jimin slowly he got up making sure to favor his broken ankle balancing himself on the other foot. Slowly Jimin limp his way out of the cell letting the blanket fall off him as he went along. With every step Jimin made the more his heart beat picked up making him more afraid of what was to happen to him once he arrived to wherever he was going.

"Hurry up! The boss doesn't like to wait." One of the men yelled pushing Jimin in the back to make him walk up the stairs faster. Once out the basement Jimin quickly shielded his eye's at the bright lights as he was already use to being in the poorly lit basement.Once his vision clear up Jimin looked around his area. The place was huge and was swarming with security it made him wonder how he would escape if it was like this.

"Over here." Jimin looked up to see yoongi on one of the two stairs looking down at the three. His face was serious but calm the exact same way it was when he first met jimin. But whenever he caught a glimpse of the younger his expression would soften just a little. " the boss is in his office let's go. Yoongi finished before tuning and walking up the rest of the steps with jimin and the two gaurds following. Soon all four of them was standing in front of a large black door. Jimin could hear his heart beat.

"You two stay here the boos only wants to see him." Yoongi said opening the door for jimin to walk in. Jimin kept his eyes on hos feet at he took small steps into the room.

"Jimin! We finally meet again, please have a seat." Jimin could hear Taehyung voice but choose to block it out. Yoongi roughly grabbed jimins arm before forcefully making him sit in the chair in front of the dark wooden desk. Jimin didn't mind as he new that yoongi was only doing his job amd wasn't intentionally trying to hurt him.

"Now this meet can officially began." Taehyung said clapping his hands together. Jimin slowly looked up to see Taehyung looking back at him with a smirk. Jimin was about to look back down until something caught his eye. Right behind Taehyung stood a small brown hair boy.


There was not doubt that was him. The only difference was that jungkooks hair was now almost to his shoulder, his clothing was much more elegant, and he didn't have the same look in his eye's that he use to. Jimin hoped that Jungkook would say something do something but instead the younger just looked back at jimin with a dull and empty expression almost as if the two of them where strangers all over again.

Yoongi was the first to notice the joy but hurt look that jimin had on his face. All he hope for now is that jimin wouldn't do anything crazy that could get him hurt. It wasn't long before Taehyung also noticed Jimin lack of response making him frown.

"I see you have noticed we are not the only three in here." Taehyung said in a treating tone as he pulled Jungkook closer to him by the waist. "Jungkook sweetie go to our room i need to have a talk with our guest." Taehyung said stroking the boys hair as if he was a dog before releasing him. Just as told Jungkook left the room not taking one look in Jimins direction. "You to yoongi." Jimin looked up to see yoongi already looking at him. It seemed like the older wanted to say something but instead kept his mouth shut. Yoongi sent a apologetic look in Jimin direction before leaving the office.

"Now... With all distraction are out the way we can really start this meeting." Taehyung said with a wicked grin.

The so called 'meeting' lasted for hours not ending until four that morning. During this time yoongi stood outside the room door wondering what was going on. He couldn't hear anything due to the soundproof walls so he could only hope jimin was okay but then again when it came to Taehyung it could never be. Slowly the door opened making yoongi stand up straight to look at his boss. Taehyung walked out using a cloth to wipe his hands which where covered in blood. His hands were not the only thing that was dirty as his shirt and shoes where also covered in blood and slightly rip.

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