Chapter 16

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"Yep it's me- wait." Yoongi paused for a moment before realization hit him. "did you just say my name!?"

Yoongi and jimin did not break eye contact with each other as both boys just stared in shock. Yoongi couldn't believe that jimin just spoke to him. And jimin was shock that he let his guard down so easily.

"Jimin..." That was all he could get out before the book jimin was once holding in his hands was flying straight towards him. Luckily the older dodged it just in time.

"G-go away." Jimin voice was soft and barley above a whisper but he was sure that yoongi heard him perfectly fine. Instead of doing what jimin ask yoongi slowly walked towards the cell which caused jimin to crawl backwards. Once at a decent space yoongi let out a sigh.

"You don't have to be afraid of me Jimin I'm not going to hurt you." Yoongi said softly to not scare the other. Jimin was not buying any of the others lie. Yes jimin was thankful for yoongi trying to be a decent human but what the older had done to jimin before this will never be forgotten. After a moment of silence jimin finally looks back up at yoongi to see he was already staring at him.

"Im not scared of you." Jimin mumbled pulling the blanket up more over his small body. "I'm just upset at you for the things you did to me before. If it wasn't for you and your stupid boss me and Jungkook wouldn't have to suffer like this."

Yoongi felt his heart sink at jimins hurt expression. Yoongi does blame himself for what he had done to jimin but as for his boss he can't take blame for that. If he could change the past and take back what he had done he would.

"Jimin I really do hope you know how sorry and guilty i feel about doing this to you. And hopefully you understand that I'll do anything to make it up to you-"

"Help me escape." Yoongi eyes widened at Jimin's words "if you really feel that sorry them help me escape and then help jungkook do the same."

"Jimin i don't think you understand what this may cause."

"And that will be?" Jimin ask with a raised eyebrow. Yoongi actually didnt know how to Respond to that. The truth is it would be really easy to let jimin escape. All yoongi had to do was tell Taehyung that jimin was to no use to them anymore and after that the boy could be free. But deep down for some reason yoongi wasn't ready to let to boy go. The older sigh looking everywhere but jimin.

"I just know. But i promise I'll figure out a way to help you."

"You promise?" Yoongi felt his heart skip a beat when he looked back down at jimin. Not only was the younger being totally swallowed by the blanket but his hair was messy his cheeks where puffed out and he looked up at yoongi through his eye lashes. The whole thing was just beautiful to him. Yoongi bent down onto one knee so he could be leveled with jimin before speaking again.

"I promise." Yoongi said as both boys smiled at each other. "On one condition." Yoongi said with a smile.

"Which is...?" Jimin ask with a raised eyebrow

"You must talk to me for now one." Jimin eyes widened at the older strange request. But if it was going to get jimin out of this mess he could at least try to get along with him.

"Okay fine" jimin said ignoring yoongi who just continued to smile brightly at him. There was soon the sound of a phone ringing before yoongi noticed it was his making him immediately picking it up.

"Yes sir." Yoongi said cheerfully afternoon accepting the call. Jimin watched as yoongi face slowly fell into a frown before hanging up the call.

"What wrong?" Jimin ask.

"It's my boss... He wants to see you." Yoongi said with a serious expression now. Jimin felt a chill run down his spine at the older words, if he wasn't scared before he is now. Jimin didn't like the way Taehyung looked at him the last time they where in the same room. It was almost as if he found pleasure in seeing jimin in pain or anyone in that matter.

Jimin felt a cold hand on his cheek making him look up to see yoongi reaching a hand through the cell bars to reach him.

"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you." Yoongi said gently moving his thumb up and down on the boys face. For an unknown reason Jimin couldn't help but to relax a little because of this mans touch. Both guys stayed like this, just looking at each other oblivious to the other person who stood in the shadows of the room.

Taehyung pov

Not so long we where pulling up into the driveway of my home taking my hand off the wheel i leaned back in my seat with a sigh. Today was much more frustrating then expected all i wanted to do at the moment was go inside and lay down in bed with jungkook but it seems like I'm always busy.

I look look to my right to see jungkook looking right back at me with his wide brown eyes. I don't understand it myself but ever since jungkook came life have seemed to be a little bit more peaceful for me, saying so I'm less short tempered then I use to be. I placed my hand on top of jungkook head watching while he leaned into the touch with a satisfy smile.

"Jungkook look at me." I said in a serious tone. Jungkook quickly open his eye's given me his full attention.

"Do you love me?" Yes the question was strange but still without hesitation jungkook nodded his head making me smirk but i was quick to hide it behind a smile.

"Will you do anything to stay by my side no matter who tells you different or try to take you away from me. Will you still be with me?" Jungkook smile flatten a little before pulling into a thin line almost as if he was thinking, it made me angry that he even needs to think about that.

"Jungkook." I said in a warning tone. Jungkook eyes went wide in fear before he quickly nodded his head.

"Yes. Yes I'll do anything for you Taehyung" jungkook said "as long as you promise to do the same." Jungkook finished with a wide grin. I almost smiled myself but didn't.

"I promise." I said back to him. I don't really know how i feel towards jungkook. At first it was just pure lust but now i don't know anymore. I guess i could keep him around for a little lomg he seems as if he'll come to good use soon. But till that time come I'll let him keep breathing.

Author note:

So sorry for the absence. Ever since they closed down school my teacher's have been emailing me with assignments like crazy. Keep watch for the next chapter as i got some interesting news.

I swear this is my little brother and is friends at 3am every night

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I swear this is my little brother and is friends at 3am every night.

I swear this is my little brother and is friends at 3am every night

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