Chapter 18

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Earlier today:

"I'm sorry for the intrusion." Seokjin said busting into Namjoon hotel room. Namjoon looked with confusion as Seokjin walked around the area before sitting a bag down in the table in front of the small couch.

"What is this about." Namjoon ask with a confused stare still in the state of falling back asleep. Namjoon stayed up most of the night trying to figure out a plan to save jungkook and get revenge on the person who took him.

"Alright I'll tell you put first you need to put a shirt on it's not nice to walk around half necked." Namjoon looked down at his chest just now noticing that he indeed didn't have a shirt on.

"O-oh." Namjoon said letting a blush of embarrassment take over his face as he walked over to his suitcase to find a t-shirt pulling it on. Once he was decent Namjoon went over to where jin stood pulling up a chai to sit in.

"So i looked into what we spoke on the other day. And found out about the other guy being held captive." Seokjin said pulling out his phone. "I didn't get time to print the photo out but this will do also."

Seokjin gave Namjoon his phone.


Nothing but silence filled the room Seokjin didn't even dare to speak a word. The older expression was totally different from when he saw Jungkook photo. This expression on Namjoon face almost looked as if he saw someone die right in front of him or as if he is taking his las breath.

"J-Jimin..." Namjoon voice cracked a little even though he tried to hide it. Soon that sadness was replaced by anger as he harshly slammed the phone down before standing up.

"Im going to get them." Namjoon growled while pulling his jacket on and grabbing his car keys. Seokjin also stood from his seat quickly rushing over to stand between Namjoon and the door.

"Namjoon calm down we need to take this slow-"

"THAT BASTARD HAS MY LITTLE BROTHER TRAP IN A FUCKING CAGE!!" Namjoon yelled as he heavily breathed up and down. "I want him dead." Namjoon said in a dangerously low tone. Seokjin smirked at this as he placed a hand onto Namjoon shoulder.

"I have some willing to help us. But right after we have to kill him to." Seokjin smiled making Namjoon raise a eyebrow in confusion.

Present time

Fully dressed Yoongi walked down the grand stairs and into the living room. The mansion was strangely empty saying how usually you would see at least on person walking around most of the time.

"Jin you wanted to see me." Yoongi said now fully standing in front of the older.

"Actually i was hoping to talk to you and the little blondie you have in your room but this could work too." Jin smiled innocently. Yoongi felt lost at words as his eyes stayed wide opened.

"How did you-"

"I have my ways." Jin smirked looking at Yoongi. "Now going straight to business. I know what your planning and I want in." Jin said with a straight face. Yoongi felt as if his heart stoped beating as he looked over at Jin who still stood there with his arms crossed.

"What exactly are you talking about?" Yoongi said with a raised eyebrow. Seokjin scoffed while rolling his eyes.

"Don't act stupid yoongs. I know that you're planning to help that jimin boy escape and I want to help." Seokjin said before he began to pace back and forward. "Okay so if we could just figure out a way to get him out the house we will be home free... But it's gonna be difficult say how the place is swarming with body guards and cameras-"

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