Chapter 10

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The air between the two was thick neither said a single word to each other. One sat quietly while the other kept his head down looking at his hands. Namjoon had originally invited the stranger out to apologize for knocking him down and then totally ignoring him for a good few seconds afterwards.

Jin was the first to speak as his voice was light and barley above a whisper. " So what brings you here? I never seen you around." Namjoon looks up for the first time seeing The older already looking at him and expecting a response.

"I'm looking for someone." Namjoon says.

"Oh? Is it a lover?" Jin question with a sly smirk ignoring the small pang of jealousy hearing that the handsome man had already been taken. Namjoon shook his head with a small laugh.

"Not a lover but family. Someone who is like a little brother to me." Namjoon says as his smile slowly drop to form a saddened look. Jin felt a pity for the guy. He seemed to have came a long way and come to be empty handed. The older then looked at his watch to his surprise show how late it had gotten. Quickly standing up jin took out a pen writing something down on a napkin.

"This is my number. If you ever need help looking for whoever this boy may be call me." Jin said before rushing out the coffee shop. Still Namjoon eyes lingered after the guy even though he is long gone.

Taehyung watched with satisfaction a blood drip from the boys newly cut wound. He wanted to take his time killing this one as he found the boy could be some kind of use. Plus Taehyung was curious to know what the stranger knew of Jungkook and where he got the photo from.

"So tell me." Taehyung asked with a sly smirk " what's your name?" Jimin didn't answer he just glared at Taehyung with a threatening look. Taehyung smirk fell not hearing a reaction or response from him. With a raised hand Taehyung slapped jimin across the face, even some of his rings cut through jimin cheak making it bleed. Jimin didn't flinch away nor did he hiss he just hung his head.

Stay strong... He'll get tired soon. Jimin though to himself while looking up once again just to be slapped right across the face one more.

Taehyung sigh dropping the knife. "Your no fun." He said with a fake pout, "at least I was able to get a reaction out of mt pup." Jimin inhaled a breath of air at the newly found information. I was hoping you would be able to tell me more about him since you know him and all but i guess not." At that moment Jimin felt a lightbulb go off in his head as he slowly started to piece events of today together one by one.

Jungkook is here. Jimin mind screamed out to him. Even though Jimin was thrilled to know where Jungkook was at all this time he was also upset thinking of all the things he must have been through these past few days. Taehyung step back from Jimin letting his man drop him like a sack of potatoes.

"Im bored, maybe tomorrow he will have something to tell us." Taehyung said. Jimin only glare up at him already trying to stand. "But before i go." Taehyung says kicking Jimin in the stomach making him fall back to the ground. One of Taehyung men handed him a metal bat which he raised in the air before letting it come crashing down onto jimin right leg. Jimin let out a horrible scream as he felt bones began to break and his leg twist into an unnatural way. Everyone looked away but yoongi who kept a straight face and Taehyung who watched with a wicked grin while Jimin tried to move away from them but ended up pasting out on the stop. With that said everyone left the room leaveing jimin alone in the dark cold room.

Yoongi pov (yay)

"Yoongi move him to the Basement cells and watch him. We need him to tell us everything he knows."

"Yes sir." I responded to Taehyung. I stopped in my tracks to go back and get the limp body from the room. Truth be told I did start to feel a slight bit of pity for him when i saw his leg break but i couldn't do anything about it. There leader (Taehyung) wasn't someone you would want to get involve with. He is crazy, if only people known the half of what i known about him.

I walked into the room to see Jimin already awake. His eye's where halfway open and clouded with tears. So all that tough talk was just an ack huh?

I shook my head walking towards him. Once he looked up and saw me Jimin quickly got up scooting away and to the back wall. I rolled my eye's reaching out to grab him but out of no where a loud slapping noise was heard and my head was turned to the side.

I guess he realized what he did because his eye's winded before he try crawling away. I harshly stepped on his newly broken ankle making him stop moving I watched as pure pain crossed his face and he stopped moving and set there. Even though he stopped moving I still felt sorry for what I did I lifted him up bridle style walking out the room.

"Where are you taken me?" I didn't say anything but kept my eyes forward walking further down the poorly dark hall to the cells. I gently placed him down in one closing it and locking it with a key.

"You'll be staying here until Mr. Kim says otherwise." With that said I took my leave not daring to look back at him.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter as I'll be doing more of yoongi and namjoon chapter as the story goes along. Have a nice day and see you net time.

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