Chapter 11

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"Yoongi can I talk to you real quick?"

Yoongi turned around to see a tall black hair guy looking at him. The boy was actually on his way to the cells in the basement to start his turn watching jimin that night.

"Yes Jin hyung" Yoongi ask turning to fully face the older.

"I know what you been up to lately." Jin said with a suspicious look in his eyes. Yoongi sigh leaning onto the wall behind him.

"I have no idea what your saying." Yoongi says with a straight face.

"You don't think i haven't noticed!?" Jin practically yelled throwing his arms in the air. "You care about that boy." Yoongi lets out a snort shaking his head.

"Your delusional hyung, if i care about him he wouldn't be down there but lock up here with Taehyung pet." Yoongi said. It was true though if him or Jin was to show favoritism towards one of there prisoners they usually had a chance to let them stay upstairs in one of the rooms down the same secluded hallway as jungkook is, Jin sigh as he decided to drop the interrogation for another time.

"Whatever yoongi. But remember i got my eye on you." Jin said once more as he watched yoongi walk down the hall noticing the black bag he carried with him.

Once yoongi got down to the cell Jimin was in he noticed how the younger was curled up in a ball asleep in the back corner of the cell which confused yoongi as just the other day he had brought down a comfortable enough blanket for jimin to use.

Does he not like it? Yoongi thought

"If you keep sleeping on the ground like that you'll get sick." Yoongi sigh. Jimin lifted his head up hearing the older voice, but made no moves to speak or come close to him. "Oh!" Yoongi said as if he had remembered something.

Jimin watched closely as yoongi pulled out a container of food and a bottle of water before placing it beside the cells bars for jimin to receive.

"I brought you something to eat." Yoongi had noticed how skinny Jimin began to look the past few days and decided to start bringing him down leftovers of dinner. Jimin looked at the food sceptical before back at yoongi.

"Don't worry It's just left over dinner that me and the others had. I promise i didn't do anything to it." Yoongi said with a sincere look. There was a silence between them Jimin still sitting in the same corner and yoongi standing at the same place he was at. A minute or two past before there was a roaring sound which came from Jimins stomach, Jimin hummed to himself angrily before crawling over to get the food.

Yoongi let a small smile slip onto his lip but just as it was there it was gone when he noticed how badly Jimin right leg was. Jimin foot dragged on the grown at his ankle slowly turned from a dark purple to pale grey.

Yoongi made note to himself to bring the first aid kit next tims he visits the younger.

The chains wrapped around Jungkook ankle began to hurt as a bruise formed. He was currently on his was to meet Taehyung in the dinning room as the older had claimed he had news to tell him.

For the past five days Jungkook had felt like he was slowly losing himself and submitting to Taehyung. He never tried to argue or fight back not more but sit quietly and wait for Taehyung to tell him what to do. Jungkook was allowed to walk around the Mansion is only he had chains wrap around him and someone knew what he was doing. It almost felt like he was a doll in a cage.

Jungook peered his head around the corner and into The dining room where Taehyung paced back and forth on a phone call with someone.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook mumbled. Taehyung looked up angry for whoever interrupted his conversation but all soon was forgotten when he got sigh of his beautiful boy who stood in the entry way patiently.

"Come here pup" he ordered which Jungkook quickly did scrabbling into the older arms. Taehyung felt a smile tugging at his lips at how much he was able to change Jungkook he also noticed how much Jungkook hair had grown out making him look much like a little girl.

"You called for me?" Jungkook said looking up at the older with his brown eyes.

"Yes i did doll. I wanted to tell you that i start going back to work tomorrow." Jungkook nodded not really understanding what this had to do with him until Taehyung next words came out.

"And you'll be coming with me." Taehyung said with a sly smirk. Jungkooks eyes winded before he began to point to himself.

"Yes Jungkook you will be going to work with me. It have came to my attention the my men cannot look after you so I'll do so myself. Are you okay with this?" Taehyung says patting Jungkooks brown hair with a smile.

"Yes taetae." Jungkook said happily bouncing up and down.

"But if you try to escape I will shoot you right on the spot understand?" Taehyung said as his eyes began to darken. Suddenly Jungkook felt small infront of Taehyung as he slowly nodded his head and answer with a shaky voice.

"Okay tae..."

Finals are about to start and I'm getting kinda nervous but I'll do okay!

How jungkook hair looks.

How jungkook hair looks

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