Chapter 23

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"Calm down i can't understand what your saying." Yoongi listen as the other line on the phone went silent neither of them saying a word to each other. "Hello? Hyung you still there-"

"Your the worst min yoongi you know that!" Jin yelled into the phone as yoongi can now hear his angry breathing coming from the other line.

"Hyung i don't understand what i did wrong."

"What you did wrong! I'll tell you what you did." Jin breaths out " I thought i could trust you. And that i had someone in that fucking house on my side for once but i guess not."

"Jin I-"

"We found Jimin body buried by the fucking river."

Just like that yoongi whole world went crashing down. He stumbled a little just to catch himself on the wall behind hime. Just the image of Jimin body laying by the river dirty and lifeless was enough to make him want to throw up.

"You had something to do with this don't you?" Jin growled from over the phone.

"Jin hyung i didn't do anything-" Yoongi tried to defend himself but ended up just getting cut off once more by jin angry voice

"You planned for jimin the get caught right? That why you let him hide out in your room just to make it easier right!?" Jin yelled once again. Yoongi didn't know what to say or do his chest burned and his legs felt like they where gonnna give out.

"I bet you even planned to tell Taehyung abut us too dont you?" Jin snarled over the phone. "Don't worry though because when you come for us this time it won't just be me and Namjoon." With that the other line when out and everything was silent. Yoongi slowly leaned pulled himself off the wall and slowly mad his way towards to stairs once there he looked up to see jungkook standing on the edge looking back at him.

Jungkook looked tired but still pulled his lips to be in a lop side smile for the older. Jungkook hair was puff out as he wore one of Taehyung t-shirts and some blue pajama pants. Even though the younger eyes where bright when they looked into yoongi dark ones

It almost seem as if jungkook was scared or asking for help by the way his eyes seemed but it only lasted for a few seconds before jungkook looked away and down at his small hands.

"How long have you been standing there." Yoongi ask with a raised eyebrow

"I... I just came down the steps. I'm on my way to the dinning room." Jungkook whispered not making eye contact with him. Yoongi just gave the boy a hum before walking past him.

"Tell Boss I'm not feeling well and is just gonna go to bed alright." Yoongi said without looking back. The whole walk to the older room yoongi couldn't help but to wonder how Taehyung found out in the first place and knew exactly where to look? When it come down to how he found out someone must have went down the stairs and saw that jimin wasn't there.

But when it comes down to where to look...

Suddenly jungkook face pop into yoongi mind making him stop in his tracks. No. Jungkook couldn't have done this. He didn't even know Jimin was in his room. But just a couple days ago he did find out jimin wasn't in the cell...

Suddenly Yoongi saw jungkook as the true enemy.

Yoongi knows..

That was the only thought running through jungkook head at that moment. Truthfully the younger was there from the moment yoongi had answer the phone to when he got off.

Jungkook looked back up the stairs to make sure no one was around before slumping down and sitting on the bottom step. What was he going to do now? It was going to be sooner or later until yoongi and who ever he was on the phone with to figure out it was him who did it.

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