Chapter 15

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Namjoon looks over at Jin with an unreadable face. He doesn't know if he should be happy or angry about the news. Yes he got the answer he wanted but was it from the person he wanted to hear it from? Jin sighs before shifting in his seat so he could fully face the older.

"I know you have a whole lot of questions and I'm ready to answer them but it's gonna have to be quick because if not I'll get in trouble for going missing for too long." Jin says all in on breath. Namjoon didn't know what to start off with asking.

"How much do you know about Jungkook's kidnapping and how did you figure out he was the one I was looking for?" That was the most important thing to Namjoon at the moment to know. Jin let a slight smirk take over his face.

"I know more then people think I do." Jin paused for a moment. "The day that Jungkook was brought to our head quarter's I knew something was up. Taehyung would never personally go and get his prisoners to much of a hassle when he could be doing much more important things. My first guess was that Jungkook was to some value of him which proven to be true if not the boy would have been dead by now."

"Dead..." Namjoon quietly repeated back to himself with wide eyes.

"As for me knowing that Jungkook was the one you where looking for i just kinda guessed and took my chances." Jin said with a calm smile as if this was the most normal thing for a person to say.

"Oh.. Then what brought you to this crazy conclusion that I was after jungkook." Namjoon dare to ask. Jin didn't seemed to mind as he leaned back onto his seat while looking around the area. There really wasn't much for the two to see then a lot of trees and a dirt road which led to the real one.

"A few days ago. Around the same time i met you Jungkook tried to escape." Jin looked to his right to see Namjoon looking right back at him with his full attention. "But an hour or so after he was caught of course, but he wasn't the only one that was taken back there was also this blond haired dude. I don't know much about him but what i can tell you is that he was also here looking for jungkook." Namjoon jumped up in his seat to look at jin head on with wide eyes.

"There's someone else looking for jungkook!? Do you know what this guy look like?"

"Calm down buddy i just said i didn't." Jin said throwing his hands up in defense. "But i can find out.... Meet me at the same cafe we first talked at tomorrow afternoon during lunch time. We can talk more then." Jin said with a smile. Jin could not believe how smoothly this plan was going as he thought back to his next victim which happened to work with the enemy....

Min Yoongi...

Yoongi let out a loud yawn resting his back against the wall of the dining room. He every so often checked his phone waiting for a certain someone to appear. And just right on time they did. The doors that lead down to the basement slowly open to show a guy with a black suit on walking out.

"Hey you" yoongi called out to the man. The mysterious guy turned in yoongi direction with an annoyed face but once noticing who it was he quickly stopped. Yoongi handed the man a piece of paper before speaking.

"Go to this location and get these supplies." Yoongi order.

"But sir I'm supposed to be watching the priso-"

"Did I stutter? Go now!" The man quickly bowed before running out the front door to do as told. Yoongi waited until he heard the sound of a car speeding away before he made his move. Yoongi slowly check his surroundings as he walked down the stairs towards the basement forgetting to shut the door behind him.

The hallway way just as long and poorly lit as it was the last time he was down there but by this time yoongi had gotten use to it. Slowly a certain blond haired boy came into yoongi view making him slightly relax for a unknown reason. But what shocked him the moment he saw Jimin was the fact that he was wrapped in the blanket yoongi had gotten him and was flipping through a book that yoongi must had 'accidentally' left last time he was there.

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