Chapter 33

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Early in the morning of the next day, Issei's class was gathered at the Train Station heading to Kyoto. Among the students were of course Loona and Cherri as well as part of Rias' Peerge. Supervising them would be a few Teachers. Rossweisse, Azazel as well as the Radio Demon himself.

Y/n: "Alright everyonnnne! Get in the train and grab your seats. It'll take some time getting to Kyoto but remember, The Train is not yours, so behave. Other than that, enjoy your trip hahaha!"

As the students boarded the train, One perverted individual was taking his sweat time. Neat the train station entrance, Rias and Issei had a little chat.

Y/n: "Hyoudoooo it's only going to be two days, i think you'll survive without your little Mistress, get a move on!"

The pairs face quickly changed to a crimson red that matched the teachers suit.

Issei: "I-Shes not my-"

Before running off to the train, Rias gave her pawn a quick kiss before sending him off. A bit perplexed, he entered the train and it began making its way towards Kyoto.

While everyone finally took their seat, Y/n, Loona and Cherri to a seat in the back of the train in a space for 4.

Y/n: "Now then, i think things in Kyoto will get interesting."

Loona: "It's home to the Youkai isn't it?"

Y/n: "It is, and an...Informant of mine told me the current leader, masala, has went missing."

Cherri: "Probably because of these Khaos Brigade idiots."

Loona: "Wait, you have an Informant withing Kyoto?"

Y/n: "Ohoho Dear. I have Eyes and Ears everywhere. If we meet them, it's because they want us to meet and find them. However for the time being, we shall not interfear."

Loona: "But why?"

Y/n: "I want to see the Gremory Peerge work without their Master. They are missing a few valuable pieces for an agenda like this."

Cherri: "So you wanna test them?"

Y/n: "Well, yes, but actually no. I just want to see if they can handle themselves with lil ol Rias helping them out."

Intercom: "We have arrived in Kyoto."

Y/n: "Grab your bags ladies, we're heading out."

With an energetic nod, the two demons grabbed their respective bags and went to the doors along with the Radio Demon. While the Gremory group admired the scenery, The rest of the class was already on their way to the hotel.

Y/n: "Would you kindly get move in ORC group? Everyone else is already gone. we dont-"

Before y/n continued, a citizen of Kyoto started to chase after a woman trying to grab her chest. Two men held him in place so he couldn't move.

Y/n: "Hahaha, Didn't know you had family in Kyoto Issei."

Issei: "Hey! We're not related!"

Shaking his head, y/n went ahead and made his way to the hotel with the stragglers behind him.
Once they entered the grand looking hotel, Azazel and Rossweisse were already waiting for them.

Y/n: "Alright, Now with everyone here, go find your rooms and stay out of trouble while in Kyoto. Loona, Cherri, Let's go."

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged it off. Grabbing their bags, they quickly followed y/n.

Loona: "Where are we going?"

Y/n: "Well to our rooms of course. I made sure to get the room next to the both of you, in case of something coming up."

Cherri: "Wait isn't it like, super not cool to have a male teacher next to two girls?"

Y/n: "Doesn't seem like a problem hahaha! Now come leave your bags here. We must make us familiar with the area for the coming days."

Quickly only grabbing their essential things, the group of 3 made a stroll through the market and shrine areas of kyoto. After nearing the shrine past the 1000 gates, an unfamiliar scent went up loonas Nose.

Loona: "Smiles, we got company. 3, in the trees right after the turn to the shrine. Most definitely Youkai."

Y/n: "Your nose is remarkable Loonie. Thank you for the heads up. But let them come.

And as predicted, once the three passes the trees,. 3 masked individuals jumped down right behind the group.

Y/n: "Oh my, what is it you want? We didn't come here for trouble."

Y/n put his hands up, but not letting go of his cane/mic, while the other two did the same.

Youkai 1: "You are outsiders, return the leader at once if you don't want to perish!"

Y/n: "Seems my information was right on the money. My friends and I are here because of a school trip, we have no idea what you mean by return the leader."

Loonas Nose quickly picked up multiple other smells, some familiar.

Loona: "Her smiles, i smell the Gremory group as well as a nine-tailed fox."

Y/n: "Ohhhh? Alright then. Let's see what we can do. I'm sorry gentlemen, but I must ask..."

Quickly the eyes of the radio demon started to glow a bright red which enveloped the three Youkai in front of him, forcing them on their knees.

Y/n: "Where's that little fox of yours?"

As no one wanted to answer an outsider, the three got pressured more and more into the ground until one of them broke.

Youkai 3: "I-in the trees b-behind the shrine."

Y/n: "Now that wasn't so hard now was it?"

Releasing the magic around them, the three quickly fainted as y/n made his was behind the shrine followed by the Hellhound and cyclops.
Once they rounded the corner, issei and the others of the orc were fighting a bunch of other Youkai. The questioned fox was present as well.

Y/n: "I hope we aren't interupting your little squall here."

The Youkai turned around and came face to face with the ,now in demon form, radio Demon.

Fox girl: "Where are the other three you impure creature!"

Y/n: "Oh don't worry, they are taking a nap. Even though they looked quite tasty. I don't intend to kill anyone seeing as we are just guests here. But I will do so if deemed its necessary. However I think it is all a great misunderstanding."

The little fox growled before ordering a retreat and practically vanishing in the depth of the forest. His focus quickly shifted towards the young devils

Y/n: "You kids...always getting yourself in trouble."

Issei: "Hey! They started it by attacking me, claiming i kidnapped that child's mother!"

Loona: "As big a pervert you are, it's a fair assumption."

Cherri and y/n looked at loona before bursting into a laughing frenzy. Issei and the others simply stood there unable to say anything.

Y/n: "Ohoho loona... Are you sure you're a Hellhound? With a sharp tongue like that one could say your a snake."

The Hellhound in question simply shrugged and made her way back to the trail. Followed by the bomb loving cyclops.

Y/n: "Now then, let's get back and asses the situation."

With a deep sigh from the Gremory Peerge, they all made their way back to the hotel...



Alrighty everybody! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and leave me your thoughts below

Who could the Informant within the Youkai be??? He/she who knows... Not even i know Hahaha! Leave a few suggestions if you want, but remember, "Youkai information"
Other than that,

Stay tuuuned

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