Chapter 7

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I'm actually fascinated how well this story started out.

As the three Devil's reappeare from the magic circle, they found themselves in a booth overlooking the whole battlefield, which happened to also be the school grounds. Looking in front of them, there were monitores looking over different areas of the battlefield. In front of those monitors, where three seats. That's when the Radio Demon noticed the two crests on two of the seats. Sitri and Gremory.

Y/n: "I hope I don't come to an inconvenient time Lord Lucifer. Hahaha!"

From the two seats, Rias brother, Sirzechs, and Sonas Sister, Serafall Leviathan rose, facing the Radio Demon and his friends.

Sirzechs: "So you really are still alive.
Y/n. Where have you been hiding since the great war?"

The Radio Demon and the other two walked up to the seats. With a snip of his fingers, Y/n created two more seats for Loona and Cherri Bomb. The two took a seat, and watched everything unfold.

Y/n: "I've been living a simple life as a Radio Host during the day, And a stray exterminator during the night! I needed something to entertain myself you know zechsy!"

His Eyes wandered from the current Lucifer, to the Current Leviathan. Using his shadow manipulation, he appeard next to Serafall with an atm around her shoulder.

Y/n: "My, aren't you a cute little darling miss Leviathan! You are almost as cute as Nifty."

Serafall, a bit flustered by the situation, didn't know how to respond. So Sirzechs intervened.

Sirzechs: "Y/n, please, have a seat and watch the rating game with us while we...have a chat."

Y/n: "Ohoho, whatever would one of the 4 great Satan's need from a Demon like myself?!"

Using his tricks again, he was now sitting in the to him provided chair next to Sirzechs. Just in time for the Rating Game to start.

Y/n: "So, what is it you want to discuss?"

Sirzechs: "Why have you come back and revealed yourself?"

At this Loona and Cherri also where a bit curious. Looking back, it's been quite a few years since he last summoned or contacted them.

Y/n: "Like I told your Sisters Peerge, I simply crave a new form of entertainment. Killing stray Devil's and priest gets old over the years. So that's why."

Sirzechs: "So that's why you decided to help my sister train?"

Y/n: "That would be correct."

Sirzechs: "But it's not for free is it?"

The Radio Demon Chuckled after this, sending red flags to the two great Satan's.

Y/n: "Haaa...I'm that easy to read? Of course my work isn't for free. I'll probably just be cashing in a favor at some point from her or you. You know, I always collect the debt from people who owe me."

Sirzechs: "Like these two?"

He said while pointing towards Loona and Cherri. However he could see y/n visibly got upset after he referred to the two.

Y/n: "These two darlings are two of a hand full of people I consider actual friends. So harm them in any way. And another great War will be on the rise my good Sir."

Just before the tention grew even further, a shriek from the monitors caught their attention. Looking towards the Gym View. There were three Girls from Risers Team completely Naked, while a certain Dragon Emperor was celebrating his Triumph.

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