Chapter 39

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After fighting off the Hero Brigade last night, and having a full meal, on the next day it was Time to return to Kuoh. The who call was already on the train, apart from the devil's in disguise. They were being seen off by Kuno and her mother who's finally back together with her daughter. The Radio Demon stepped forward.

Y/n: "I'm very sorry i had to tied you up last night my dear. I hope you can forgive my rudeness my dear."

Yasaka: "Oh my, it's alright, really. I had no control yesterday, so it was the best for everyone involved. I didn't get to thank you last night."

Yasaka closed the gap between her and the Radio Demon and wrapped her arms around him, which he gladly returned. He of course got a few jealous looks from issei, and even loona and Cherri who looked down on themselves.

Yasaka: "Let's hope you visit again."

Y/n: "Hahaha, i probably will my dear, i probably will."

Kuno: "Mother! This all sounds extremely inappropriate!"

As the two let go of each other and started laughing together, y/n approached Kuno and kneeled to her level.

Y/n: "And you don't let your mom out of sight again. We wouldn't want something like this to repeat itself do we?"

With his bright grin, he got back up, kissed yasakas hand, and boarded the train. Loona and Cherri boarded too, but not after glaring at Yasaka.

In the back of the train, with the demonic trio, loona and Cherri both clinged to his arms, trying to relax for the drive back.

Y/n: "Now seems you still wanted to come no matter what, right ilia?"

The chameleon girl Cane into view sitting across from the three.

Ilia: "I mean...with the Youkai issue dealt with...i thought i could just chill with you guys for a bit."

Her gaze shifted rapidly between the three, more so the girls than y/n.

Cherri: "I don't mind."

Loona: "Neither do i, you're welcome to stay with us. We all know why though."

With a sly smirk from Loona, Ilias color changed to a shade of red.

Y/n: "Hahaha! Please, keep it down then ladies. "

Cherri: "You got it Smiles! I'm dying to find out what that chameleon tongue can do~"

With Ilia being a Bi chameleon, but seeing y/n like a father figure, things are bound to get interesting in the hotel.

Back in Kuoh, Rias and the other girls scolded the group from Kyoto for not calling them or even texting them. Azazel didn't help the situation by inflating Rias jealousy by mentioning yasakas and Kuno, even earning a gut punch from Koneko.
Meanwhile back in the underworld, in the Hazbin Hotel, up in Ilias room, things started to get a bit noisy. While back in the lounge, Y/n got a letter from...the Gremory's?

Y/n: "You are herby invited as a VIP to the... grabbing dragon live show ... One the weekend...i better spare the girls from this ..event ..."

However, instead of going personally, y/n send one of his shadow doubles to said event as he watched from home via the doubles eyes. To as he was... disappointed with what he saw is an understatement. For multiple hours the show went on, having kiba and Koneko being bad guys, and the crowd that consisted of mostly children cheering from issei. Eventually the Radio Demon had enough and made his double disappear from sight to stop the connection to the show.

Y/n: "This guy is corrupting more kids than I've ever eaten...if only he wasn't corrupting then with something so...perverted ..."

Shaking his head, y/n knows he can't change what's already been set in motion, so he decided to prepare school works for the next day. Apparently the sister of Rise Phoenix will start attending Kuoh Academy as a 1st year like Koneko as well. She's either going to hold a grudge against y/n, or she's mature enough to accept what happened. It'll all be revealed when they do cross paths in school...

Fast forward to school, after Y/n lesson about another historic war event, a german pilot who helped an american B-17 bomber that was on the brink of being shot down past the german artillery border, the perpetrations for the school festivals were in full motion. And the rating game against Sairaorg is just around the corner ....



Hey people, yeah but shorter than usual, but I'm in a bit of a pickle here. Given that the Sairaorg rating game is coming up, I'm not quite sure how i should incorporate Y/n into that arc. Seeing as hes not Part of the Gremory Peerge, and definitely doesn't want to be part of any Peerge, all i could do is put him in as a spector. Which would be a bit boring i think...if you guys have any ideas how i could/should write the upcoming parts to fit this story, please, throw your ideas in as a comment. If not i gotta figure something somehow out.

Till then, stay tuuuned

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