Chapter 5

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"Hell-lo" normal talking
"Hell-lo" whisper/thinking
"Hell-lo" demon transformation

Also in the normal demon form he has he's trademark Radio Voice

^Last time I'll be adding the Keys ^

Third p.o.v.

After a good few minutes, Rias had explained each of her peerge members roles, abilities, and experience to Y/n who repeatedly nodded. Meanwhile, Issei and the rest of the Group finally made it to the top.

Y/n: "Now then that everyone is here, get inside, unpack, and meet me outside! Onwards everyone!"

Issei: "But we just got here! Your evil man..."

Y/n: "Nice of you to notice hahaha!"

As Y/n watched the group walk inside the house, he began thinking of how to train them.

Y/n: "So, most of these fools need training in things I am pretty well aquatinted with. However, I think ill need to cash in a few favors of a few...friends."

About an hour later, everyone was outside once more in full training clothes. Well minus the Radio Demon.

Y/n: "Now before we begin, while you lot were climbing up the hill, I had your king explain to me each of your strength, weakness, abilities and your experience. Most of you, I can easily train myself, however, I'll be cashing in a few favor from a few friends who are experts at what they do hahaha!"

Issei: "Wait you -"

Before Issei could finish his sentence, Y/n snapped his fingers and two small flames landed next to him.

One of the Flames exploded into a red glittery mist, while the other was a simple dark grey cloud.

Within these clouds, Two figures took shape.

???: " Hey that wasn't cool at all Y/n, I was having fun blowing up he old man's tinker toy again!"

Y/n: "Hahaha, I'm sorry cherri my dear, but I'll be needing your assistance here."

Cherri: "Oh you know I love helping out your smiling Ass!"

As the first cloud settled, Issei was having his usual perverted grin on while Y/n first associate revealed herself.

As the first cloud settled, Issei was having his usual perverted grin on while Y/n first associate revealed herself

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(Be honest, she is a hottie and a cutie)

Cherri: "What can I do for ya this time Smiles?!"

Issei: "Damn Y/n I didn't know you knew such hot babes!"

Cherri Bomb immediately realized she had a pervert to deal with, so what the first thing she does? Right! Throw a bomb at him. The group scattered as the bomb exploded, leaving a large crater.

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