Chapter 9

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Here, have some Loona, you know you like her
Third p.o.v.

After the 'fight' with Riser, Y/n Loona and Cherri Bomb went straight to his home for some jambalaya, and soon after crashed down for some shut Eyes.
Once the new Day rolled around, and Y/n opened his Eyes, something was wrong, he couldn't see. Brushing whatever was on his face away, he realized it was Cherri's Hair that was basically all over the bed after she loosened her ponytail. Chuckling to himself, he tried to get up which also proved to be difficult since he looked towards his feet and saw Loona curled up into a ball on his feet.

Y/n: "Hahaha. That explains why my feet are so warm. No matter, I must go teach.

Using his teleportation skills to not wake the Hellhound and one-eyed bomb lover, he quickly went about his morning care, and made his way to Kuoh Academy. On the way there, he felt something.

Y/n: " hmm, seems like 2- no, 3 Holy Sword users. My my, moving into this town really proves to be entertaining hahaha!"

Fast forward to when He arrived at the School, the Radio Demon entered his class to see everyone scattered around the class.

Y/n: "If everyone would be so kind to get to their respective seats please."

The Students did just that. Apart from a certain Dragon Emperor being missing from the Room.

Y/n: "Has anyone seen Issei Hyoudo?"

Asia immediately rased her hand.

Asia: "He's just went to the ORC for something important!"

Y/n: "Is that right... everyone go over the notes from last class. I have to drag a little something to take care of."

He left the class, closed the door, and made sure no one was around before teleporting into the ORC clubroom where found Issei getting his fingers sucked while both being barely covered up. The Radio Demons eyes turned red.

Y/n: "So this is what is so important that you can allow yourself to skip class I see??"

The both of them turned to Y/n, but with different reactions. While Issei looked like he was about to shit his pants, Akeno was a giggling and blushing mess.

Issei: "Y-Y/n l-listen it's my arm. After giving it t-to Ddraig it's acting up a ton. And only by sucking the magical energy out will my arm turn to normal again I swear!"

Akeno: "Hehehe, he's telling the truth Y/n~."

With a twitching Eye, Y/n focused on Issei's arm and snapped his fingers. His Arm started to glow green, as all the overflowing energy formed into a green ball, and went into Y/n palm where he squished it, absorbing it. For a few seconds the two Gremory devil's looked at the Radio Demon Dumbfounded.

Y/n: "There, all better now right?"

Issei: "W-Well yes. I- thanks a bunch."

Y/n: "Gooood now....Get your ass dressed, and then to class!"

Issei: Y-Yes sir!"

And in an instant, the perverted Dragon Emperor was out of the Room. The Radio Demon shook his head saying 'this damned pervert' as he started to leave the Room. Until two Arms snaked around his back.

Akeno: "Could it be....your jealous that I didn't suck your fingers~?"

Once again, only his Head turned a full 180° and looked at the unfazed Akeno."

Y/n: "Ohoho no my dear. I simply hate perverts with no shame. That's it and all. Now be a sweetheart, get dressed and to your class as well. This IS still a school after all."

With a teasing peck on the cheek, Akeno released her grip, bowed and lifted her wet rope just a bit.

Akeno: "As you wish Mr. L/n~"

With that she left, and y/n made his way to his class.

~timeskip ~~

After School during nightfall, Y/n decide to take a walk back home to get some fresh air as well as to just enjoy a little walk. As he rounded a corner, he bumped into someone wearing a white robe. Before that someone could fall however, y/n quickly catched their hand.

Y/n: "I'm very sorry. I was lost in thought. I hope I didn't hurt you."

Pulling the person to their feet, their looked at y/n. Both were females. One with twin tails and one with blue hair with a green accent.

???: "No no, I'm fine. I should've looked where I was going."

Y/n: "Well as long as we are both alright that is all that counts my dear. "

???: " Right."

Looking past Y/n, the blue haired girl saw her friend continued walking the street, and was now waving for her to follow.

??: "I'm sorry, but my Friend is waiting for me. Sorry again!"

Just as the girl was taking off, Y/n looked over his shoulder with his signature Grin.

Y/n: "I hope you find your friend before someone else finds him. We wouldn't want an Excalibur to get into the wrong hands now would we?"

The girl immediately stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.

???: "Wait! How do you know-"

However he was already gone. Making the girl very uneased.

Y/n on the other end appeard in his living room.

Y/n: "Hahaha. How I love messing with people."

Cherri: " Oh Smiiiiiles!"

Y/n turned around and was met with a happy looking cherri Bomb and a....almost pouting Loona.

Y/n: "Hello you two lovely ladies, I hope I didn't upset any of you by leaving without saying goodbye?"

Cherri: "Well, not me, buuuuut Loona on the other hand..."

Looking at the Hellhound, her tail, instead of sticking up like usual, was simply hanging down.

Loona: "I'm not upset!"

Cherri: "X to doubt."

Loona gridded her teeth, until y/n appeard behind her, catching her off guard in a tight hug.

Y/n: "Alrighty! From now on I'll wake at least my little Hellpuppy when I'm getting up! Is that acceptable?"

With his right hand he scratched under Loona's chin, knowing it was her weakness, as her tail got into it's usual position, and n addition started wagging.

Loona: "Y-yeah toooootally acceptable~~."


There ya go folks. A rather... unusual chapter, but a chapter! I hope you liked it. Stay safe everyone! And wash ya filthy hands!"..

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