Chapter 11

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Third p.o.v.

After Y/n revealed his identity to the Church duo, his curiosity grew.

Y/n: "Now, which one of you would like to tell me who stole the Holy sword fragments?"

The two, at first, were sceptical of giving out the information to someone like the Radio Demon, but they also knew if he wants to find out, he can.

Xenovia: "It was the leader of the Grigori, Kokabiel."

Y/n: "The crazy war loving psychopath? Seems like he wants to start a new war...Thank you for the information my dear. It's going to be useful for me hahaha!"

As y/n was about to turn and leave, Xenovia ran in front of him.

Xenovia: "This meeting was to make sure the devil's don't interfere with out work here. That includes you, Radio Demon."

He looked down at the girl, smiling as wide as ever.

Y/n: "I think, if you know me and my.... reputation, than you know, I interfer anywhere when I see please, move it dear."

Snapping his fingers, suddenly Xenovia found herself back next to her partner Irina.

Irina: "This guy is totally giving me the creeps."

Issei: "Tell me about it."

Some time later, Y/n was now sitting withing the living room of his house, with Cherri bomb and Loona next to him.

Cherri: "So wait, two girls from the church..are hunting a leader class fallen angel? Do they have a death wish?"

Loona: "And they don't want help from the devil's."

Y/n: "Yes and yes my dears. But knowing that overly confident Crow, he'll reveal himself very soon. Which means, I get to have some fun! Hahaha! Maybe I even get the vanishing dragon to show himself, and I get to end their stupid rivalry again, and this time for good."

Loona and Cherri took a second to realize what he just said. They looked at each other, then back at him.

Loona: "Wait, so you are saying..."

Cherri: "You killed the heavenly dragons?"

Y/n: "Hahaha! Why do you think they became Sacred Gears?! Which is why I think Ddraig never speaks in my presents..."

While both had a dumbfounded face, Y/n got up, and made his was to the balcony to see a weird looking sky.

Y/n: " So you're already here huh? Guess it's time to let him out for playtime...Yul would you like to play once more?"

Within the mind of the Radio Demon,A deep, almost dark voice spoke.

Yul: " Is it time again?"

Y/n: "Kokabiel is in town, and knowing him, he's gonna summon some beasts to fight for him. So I though, why not let you have some fun after so long."

Yul: "Much appreciated master y/n, I'll be at your command."

Y/n: "Exelent. Because within the next few days, things will become very interesting."

And oh how right he was. After feeling an extrem amount of holy energy skyrocket near the school, The Radio Demon made his way there along with his two companions. In front of the school, he was met with Sona and her peerge creating a barrier around the schools perimeter.

Y/n: "So, he's finally here yes?"

Sona: "Y/n, Kokabiel is-"

While Sona tried to explain the situation, Y/n Lona and Cherri simply walked through her barrier like it wasn't there, shocking the sister of Leviathan and her peerge.

Y/n: "We know my dear. He wants to start a war...even if it would be entertaining, a War isn't what this godless world needs."

Sona: "What? What do you mean Godless??"

Y/n: "You'll know soon enough. But first, Yul! It's play time My friend Hahaha!

The Radio Demons Circle appeard on the ground next to him, while the Air around suddenly became colder and colder.

On the other side of the school, Kokabiel just destroyed the Gym with a light Lance, and now summoned 3 Cerberus.

Rias: "Cerberus?! The watchdogs of hades!? It's forbitten to bring them into this world! Let's send them back to-"

As Rias was about to give orders to her Peerge to destroy the three headed Dogs, one was suddenly hit by a white beam, that completely froze the dog in place. Soon after, a red bomb with a skull landed next to it, exploding the Cerberus into tiny pieces.

Kokabiel: "What was that?! Noting should be able to freeze the flames of a Cerberus, not to mention explode them with one tiny bomb?! Who's there?!"

The ground started shaking, as from within the school, a familiar staticy sound came closer. Kokabiel dreaded that sound.

Kokabiel: " are still alive?!"

Y/n: "Hahaha! Kokabiel! So glad to see you again! Oh I see you have all your wings again. Isn't that nice hahaha! I'm guessing your....Winging your little war plan?"

Kokabiel: "I always hated your attitude and puns..."

Issei: "I never though I'd be glad to see this creep."

Y/n: "I see you have a little dog problem. I'd say it's time to show them who the alpha is."

Snapping his fingers, the ground started to shake more and more, as soon after a white and red glowing shadow emerged from the school. The princess of ruin knew the beast, and was shocked.

Rias: "That...Thats-

Kokabiel: "Why is he here with you?!"

Y/n: "Yul, The Watchdog of the lowest Part of Hell, known by some as the frozen part of hell! My familiar hahaha!"

Y/n: "Yul, The Watchdog of the lowest Part of Hell, known by some as the frozen part of hell! My familiar hahaha!"

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