Chapter 24

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Third p.o.v.

Shortly after the next day rolled around, The selected 10 were teleported to the site where loki was temporary imprisoned. Y/n and his companions watched from the sidelines and left after the group was send out. Loona and Cherri were following behind while Y/n held out one hand, chanting something, unable to be understood however.

Cherri: "hey smiles? How are we gonna know where they were teleported to if you're supposed to be the Ace in the hole?"

Just as Cherri Bombs question finished, a black smoke cloud appeard in y/n hand as he turned to the two.

Y/n: "With this my dear!"

After the cloud in his hand settled, a small eye with demon like wings was sitting in his palm

Y/n: "This little guy with track down the Gremory specific magical power and grants me the ability to teleport to its current location with in a moment's notice

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Y/n: "This little guy with track down the Gremory specific magical power and grants me the ability to teleport to its current location with in a moment's notice. It also allows up to keep an EYE on the battle in the meantime HAHAHA!"

loona groaned at his pun, while cherri had a year run down her eye while the three entered the Hotel they call their home. They quickly took a seat in the lounge, as y/n send out the Eye to find Rias and her group
It didn't take long for the Eye to find them at a distant, rocky area in an old part of the underworld. As they eye was looking around, y/n and the others spotted a large pyramid not far from the place the small group of devil's was standing at.

Loona: "Guess that's loki in there?"

Y/n nodded and quickly took a look as to who was supposed to fight the Norse God. Immediately he spotted as expected Rias, and of course her Pawn Issei. Sona and parts of her Peerge weren't really a surprise either for him. What did surprise him however was an Angel and a Valkyrie.

Y/n: "Such a colorful little group. Only missing a fallen angel. Oh wait nevermind hahaha!"

The other two looked confused and followed y/n Eyes while he was looking at Alone, Rias' Queen.

As y/n continued to observe everyone, Loki was finally released from the magic pyramid that held him captive. Not really interested in loki's reasoning to start Ragnarok, y/n lazily followed along as Loki Summoned His Son Fenrir, his younger sons Hati and Sköll, along with one of the 5 Dragon king's, the midgard Serpent.

Loona: "Looks like they got their work cut out for them."

Y/n: "True, but that dragon king is a copy of the original. Its no where near the strength of the original. Granted it's strong, but not as strong."

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