Chapter 22

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Third p.o.v

Y/n didn't quite know if he was supposed to see the quick passing of the 20 days of training as a blessing or a curse. However he was quite relied to finally be able to have his two most trusted friends around him on a normal daily basis. The sobbing of Issei was quickly ignored as he turned his attention to the two ladies.

Y/n: "I hope the training went well you two."

Cherri: "I really wanted to kill him after he kept undressing me with his perverted gaze. "

Y/n: "Hahaha. Understandable my dear. And Loona my lovely hellpup, any progress with the Nekomata who refuses her heritage?"

Loona simply crossed her arms under her chest and shook her head, much to the Radio Demons disappointment.

Loona: "Nope. In those 20 Days she never used them once. I tried everything to get her to use it, but I feel like she's a lost cause."

Y/n: "How... Disappointing. But no matter. It wasn't our responsibility to begin with. It's the master's responsibility."

Soon enough Akeno entered the Room, leaving only Koneko missing.

Akeno: "Oh, you're all here."

Rias: "Yes. Well everyone but Koneko."

Akeno: "She's getting some much needed rest."

Issei: "I heard she fainted during training."

A few suspicious Eyes Darted towards the Hellhound who was training with her.

Loona: "Don't look at me like that. She never fainted while training against me. Not my fault the kitty tried sharpening her claws after I beat her in training."

Azazel: "It wasn't Loona's Fault. She threw in some extra training after the regime I gave her and couldn't handle it. Now if you'll excuse me I'll have to prepare some things for the gathering later."

Soon enough Azazel left the group. Y/n soon followed.

Rias: "Where are you heading?"

Y/n: "Even though it shouldn't concern you, I'll be going to take a hot bath before the gathering. Someone like myself still cares for his appearance before..... Foreign Clans. Hahaha!"

He quickly vanished behind the door, while everyone started weirdly at it.

Soon enough, the Gathering started. Rias and her Peerge were ordered to make sure the VIPs were save seeing as gatherings can get quite messy.

Y/n on the other hand simply walked around as his devilish heart content, gaining some looks of worries and unease. But who could hold it to them. Apart from the Three main factions, Not a lot of People know the Radio Demon was attending the gathering.

As he walked around with his company, he spotted the Peerge they were training along with some of Sona's as well as her sister.

Y/n: "Glad to see you decided to wear something appropriate again my dear Leviathan."

Serafall: "Y/n I told you to call me Serafall or Levi!"

In typical Serafall behavior, she proceeded to pout which didn't really help her situation.

Y/n: "Where would the fun in that be my dear? Your simply to fun to tease."

While serafall was going on how it's not true, The Radio Demon felt a few energy signatures closing in on the mansion. A powerful one to.

Y/n: "Is that Norse energy? Yeeees it is- and a Nekomata is with it as well. Could it be-"

He was ripped out of his thoughts when Sona suggested that they'd head to the waiting room while waiting for the Norse faction to arrive.

Y/n: "I'll be looking around for a bit. Don't wait for me."

Cherri: "You alright Smiles?"

Y/n: "Of course my dear! Go with them. I have something to investigate."

Y/n made a 180° turn, and Loona quickly went after him, leaving Cherri Bomb a bit confused. She eventually shrugged her arms knowing the two will be okay no matter what.

Loona: "You picked it up too smiles?"

Y/n: "Hahaha nothing gets past little ol me my dear. And if my suspicion is correct, we may crash a sisters reunion."

What confirmed his suspicion was when he saw Koneko Enter an elevator wafter looking left and right trying to not look suspicious.

Y/n: "Bingo."

The two of them followed her via the elevator next to the one she used, and y/n used his magic to cloak both of their Auras from anyone who they might encounter.

After the elevator reached the bottom, Loona quickly picked up on Konekos train and y/n simply followed the nose of the Hellhound.once they caught up to her, Y/n and Loona his in the trees, to see Her talking to a black haired Nekomata in a kimono.

Loona: "There's no mistaking, that's her sister. They have the same scent."

Biko: "Hey kitty cat."

Kuroka: "What is it Biko?"

Biko: "Two rats are hidden in the shadows. We precise them yes?"

From the shadows behind a tree Issei and Rias stepped into the light.
Soon the conversation shifted towards the reason why Kurome was hear, to take Koneko with her again and to have her join the Khaos Brigade. Y/n only chuckled which didn't go unheard.

Kuroka:  "Didn't you say 2 rats?"

Biko: "I was sure if it."

Soon Y/n's bright red suit revealed itself from the shadows as he and Loona stepped into the Moonlight.

Y/n: "Hahaha! Ophis can't have the Radio Demon, so she just starts recruiting everyone she can?! How low for a supposed Dragon God."

Kuroka "Who's the weirdo in Red with the Dog?"

Loona: "Come down here and I'll show you a Dog."

Y/n: "Now now Loona. This weirdo was recruited by Ophis herself last month but declined the Offer."

Biko: "Ha you're joking."

Rias: "Y/n why didn't you say anything."

Y/n: "My dear, I'm not part of your Peerge
I don't answer to anyone. Now I'd advise you to leave this place before things turn ugly seeing as a party is going down."

Kuroka jumped down from her tree and suddenly barrier appeard around the Group.

Issei: "That can't be good."

Kuroka: "Your right. This is a little barrier I've put around the Forest.

With a Disappointed smile the snapped his fingers and the Barrier shattered surprising the two Members of the Brigade.

Kuroka: "What the-"

Y/n: "Don't bother, your in my world bitch, I pull the strings here. As easy as this."

Snapping his fingers again, Rias, Issei and Koneko vanished from sight."

Y/n: "This party was getting boring anyway.
As his antlers grew a bit, the ground started cracking and shadowy hands reached out from them trying to bind the two opponents in place.

Y/n: "Let's hope you two can entertain us for Atleast a few minutes! Hahaha!"



Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! I don't really have anything to say apart from one thing.

To all DbD players among you, Where would
the Deathslinger or the Oni fit in best?

Other than that,

Stay tuuuuuned

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